"M-mother...?" I hold Casper close to me, "How do you know his name?" She makes noises like she both does and doesn't want to tell me. Eventually it was my father who spoke, "You're mother and I...aren't your actual parents, dear." I feel my heart break into a million pieces, tears filling my eyes, "W-what...? B-but...how, w-why?" I hear someone quietly gasp.
My mother gently brushes hair out of my face, "We were given you, and told to keep you safe and loved until you were able to come here." I can't hold back the tears as they fall from my eyes, "So does that mean I'm just an orphaned witch that was given to you because there was no one else who wanted me?" I bury my face in Casper's fur.
"Perhaps this is a private conversation, Severus. I'll escort the Malfoys out for a moment. If you two will follow me, we'll come back to the issue at hand in a moment." I hear three pairs of footsteps leave the room, 'w-what? Draco was in here?' I hear footsteps walking towards us before I hear Snape's voice, "You were not unwanted."
"How would you know that?" I lift my head up, brushing Caspers fur with my hand. I hear my mother's voice, "Because he's your actual father, Raven." My eyes widen as I face towards where Snape's voice had been, "I-is this true?" I feel a hand lay gently on my head before he speaks, "Yes, Raven, but you have to trust that I did this to protect you."
I curl up, holding my knees, "Do I even look like them, or have I been tricked into believing I have pure white hair?" There is a long silence, it feels like forever before someone speaks. Finally, my fake mother clears her throat, "Well, dear, you," she pauses a moment, "you have black hair, like your father." Panic begins to slither into me like a snake, "W-what about all my other features? Have you all been lying to me about everything?" I clutch my chest as I feel more tears falling.
Casper whimpers, nuzzling my chin. I hear Snape's voice, "This was too much for her, I told you two it would've been better if I told her in private." I hear the door open and someone enter before the door closes and I hear professor McGonnigal speak, "Professor Snape, we need to speak with everyone about what had happened last night."
"Yes, we should, call the Malfoy's back in here." I hear two sets of footsteps walk back inside before I feel someone stand me up. I hold the shirt down, to ensure that it doesn't show anything. I hear the teachers begin to speak, "I found the children in question out of bed, and in a state of undress, in mister Draco Malfoy's bed. With a killer about no less."
I feel eyes on me, and I face the ground, feeling embarrassed. My mother asks, "What are your plans for the two of them?" I look towards Snape, my true father, as he says, "They will both have detention, and I will personally speak with the two of them once this meeting is through. Feel free to speak among yourselves." I feel a hand on my shoulder as my father once again speaks, "You are grounded for a week. You are only to go to your classes and your own dorm, unless I say so."
I hear the hushed, whispering voices of Draco and his father and I look upward towards my father, "Yes sir." He then lets go of my shoulder, "And you are not to be near the Malfoy boy unless instructed to as well." I gasp, "B-but," I pause a moment, gathering my words, "I...can you put your ear here, I have something to say?" He says, "Alright." before I hear him moving and I whisper, "I can see when Draco touches me...and as far as I know, only when he touches me...please don't take that away from me..." It sounds like he stands up fully before he says, "I might consider it, but for now you will have no contact."
"Please, I'll do anything, just let me have that. Plus...He's my boyfriend..." He grumbles before replying to me, "Very well, but no hands where they shouldn't be, Raven, and I'll tell him that." I put my hands together, smiling, "Thank you, so much." Once all the parents have finished talking to their children, they leave, and it's just me, Casper, Draco, my father, and Draco's father in the room.
Draco's father says, "It's really quite grand that you have your own child, Severus. She can serve under him, along with my son." I look towards my father, "What does he mean? Who's 'him'?" I then hear my father say, "I'll talk with you later about your future, for now, we shall discuss the fact that they are together." I hear Draco's father chuckle, "This should work out fine."
"With all due respect, father, didn't you just say, 'So, you like her sort then, do you, draco'? And it's only after you find out that she is actually Snape's daughter, that you see her differently." I once again hear a cane hit something before Draco's father speaks, "Do not talk back to me, Draco." My father clears his throat, "Nevermind that for now, there are more important things to discuss. Like the fact that they are permitted to be together, however, I have restrictions."
I hear Draco question, "Like what?" I hear moving around before my father speaks again, "They cannot be allowed to do what they were trying to do last night. And there is the idea of him momentarily...for the lack of a better word, curing, her blindness. They will still be allowed to see and be with each other, and I will allow them to touch. However, if I see a hand, or any other body part where it shouldn't be, that will end. And as for Raven, she is grounded for a week, only to classes and her house, unless I allow it."
"U-um...I have a few questions..." I feel everyone's eyes on me, and I hear no one speaking so I go on, "W-what about...stuff like...kissing...? And, on a personal note, may I go to Hogsmeade village? And who is 'him'?" My father clears his throat, "I will allow you to go to Hogsmeade village, and if I catch you kissing, it will mean some form of punishment, just like every other student."
It feels like he doesn't want me to know who they were talking about, so I leave it alone for now. A cold chill slides down my back and I shiver, grasping my arms. "Cold are we? You are only wearing Draco's shirt, Raven." I hear the slight tone of anger in my father's voice.
"I-it's just a cold chill..."I hear footsteps come towards me before I feel arms wrap around me and I feel for who it is, and I can see again. "D-Draco, you don't have to...I'll be okay..." I realize that he still doesn't have a shirt on, and my face feels red hot.
"Don't worry, I should escort you to your dorm, anyways." He smirks on the side of his face that only I can see. "I'll take her to get clothes and head back, don't worry." I hear my father begin to object, but Draco begins leading me and Casper out of the room.
We walk for a bit before we make it to the ravenclaw common room, we head into the dorm room and realize that no one is there. I look at him, "Thank y-" He picks me up, pinning me to the wall, kissing me. "D-Draco, w-we can't w-what if-uhn~" His kiss leads from my lips to my neck as he begins to 'love bite' my neck.
I place my loose fists on his chest, "D-Draco...I don't want to get you in trouble~" He gently places his hand around my neck, "I don't care if I do," he pauses, looking me in the eyes, "but if you really want, I'll stop, darling." He moves his hand to the side of my face. I begin a war with myself, and for a moment I am winning, until I begin to move, and I feel him harden against me.
My eyes widen a bit before I calm myself, "You're enjoying this a bit too much~" He leans in to where there's barely an inch between our lips, "And I think you are, too~" He embraces my lips and I lose myself, everything feels tingly. My hands end up behind his head, messing with his hair as I close my eyes. He slightly brushes against me with his crotch, causing my legs to tighten.
"D-Draco~" He chuckles, and I open my eyes to see him smirking, "Yes, darling~?" I feel him move his hands to his shirt and my face feels red hot, "Y-You should get back, they'll be coming to find you soon, I bet..." He makes a growl-like noise, sounding pissed off, "Fine, but I'll find you at Hogsmeade village." He kisses me once more before placing me on my feet and leaving.
Thank you for staying with me, and getting my story so many views, loves<3

For The Love of Draco
FanfictionRaven goes blind at a young age, and the only person to seem to care is a young boy named Draco Malfoy. However, his father prohibits them from even seeing each other, until one day when his father can't hold them apart, and they meet by coincidence...