First person pov now 💗
I was in the middle of collecting flowers when Murphy and his goons walked up to me " what are you doing." He says I slowly turn my head to look at him "what does it look like I'm doing I'm getting flowers." I say with a slightly annoyed voice "whoa no need to get fiery we know what happened last time." One of his goons said chuckling he had a shaved head and was taller than Murphy " Man shut up don't talk to my sister like that." John said mad at his friend now "it's fine John really just go back and do whatever you're doing and I'll go back to picking flowers." I said not wanting to hear the rest of this conversation because I know it in with a fight and not just a fight with words.
My brother has anger issues and doesn't know how to control them at all so when hes pissed off you're fucked. He nods and start walking away well two of his friends stay back "you know you're very pretty for a killer." The one with the shave had said "yeah you're gorgeous." The other one cell I looked at them I didn't say anything I didn't want to talk especially not to them. My brother soon realize that they were not with him and turned around walked back slap them in the head pretty hard they follow him. After that I was still collecting flowers they were Beautiful they had green pedals with purple glowing accents i've never seen a flower so beautiful that's when I hear someone walking I turn to see Octavia Blake " do you like flowers?" She said smiling at me "yes I love flowers they calm me when I'm stressed." I say looking back at the flowers "are you stressed right now? " "no I mean in a way Kinda but it's not an overwhelming stress it's more of a 'you're on the ground what's gonna happen to you' type you know?" I say as I look back at her and then Past her to see my brother picking on Wells Jaha and Clarke griffin "shit." I say in a Half annoyed half worried voice.
I know how rude my brother can be so when Octavia sees me looking worried she turns and looks at what I'm looking at " do you think your brothers gonna do something bad." She says after we start walking back "I don't know maybe, I should start walking a little faster I'll see you in a little bit." "bye!" was all you heard from her because I had already ran Far ahead "Murphy!" He looks at me then back at Wells and kicks him again that's when Spacewalker also known as Finn jumps down from the side of the dropship "kids got one leg how bout you wait till it a fair fight." Murphy gives him a death glare But was interrupted by Octavia " hey Spacewalker rescue me next." She said with a smirk you could hear people laughing I chuckled a bit before I walked to John.
"what the fuck is your problem you're on the ground five minutes and you're already beating people up." I say mad at him for his scene that he caused "oh come on you can say anything remember the reason you were locked up." After he said that I wasn't just mad I was furious he knew why I was really locked up and the real reason I killed but he still said that "John Murphy you know the truth and yet you still use it against me." I walked away not wanting to hear it. She knew her brother knew the truth of what really happened because he was there hiding behind a door. She saw him and when she was about to scream for his help he ran. He's mad at himself for not helping her but he was scared, he saw that she killed the boy he ran for his parents he doesn't remember anything else.
I walked over to Clark and Wells she was helping his leg "is he ok." " no, no thanks to your brother." She said. She was mad I could tell " why are you giving me attitude i'm not the one who kicked his leg and made him fall." "yeah but you did kill someone on the ark and I really don't wanna talk to you." She says looking up to me "what are you scared I'm going to kill you." I say chuckling because I knew she was "no-" she didn't get to finish her sentence because Finn walked up and says "so mount weather when do we leave." "right now." Clarke says she gets up looks down at Wells and says "We'll be back tomorrow with food." how are the two of you going to carry food for 100." He said Finn grabs me, Monty and another kid I don't know his name I knew Monty from were little. I dated him when I was seven it only lasted a couple days but still counts. We we're Best friends until I got put in prison "five of us." Finn says "huh I never said I wanted to do this." I say because I didn't "to late unless you're going to kill us." " i'm not going to kill you it's just Clark doesn't want me around." "well she's not in charge no one is." He says all I do is nod " sounds like a party, make it six. " Octavia says skipping over to us " hey what the hell are you doing." The guard says I still don't know his name "going for a walk." She said with a smile knowing it wasn't just a walk.
I zoned out looking at the Guard he looks like Octavia a little bit maybe he was her brother or something. He was handsome his hair was slicked back I didn't like that but everything else ok I guess it's not like I liked him or anything just thought he was handsome. Once I zone back in to Clark saying "because they won't if they think we're dying." I don't know why she said that but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the ark. Finn looks down at the floor them back at her and nods his head "ok let's go." She says I stayed back with Octavia for a little bit waiting for the The guards approval he says go on and we leave on our journey to probably death.
Next chapter will be out tonight or next weekend
I love yallllll 💋

You came. You called.
FanfictionIn which prisoner 27 a.k.a Mara Murphy gets sent to the ground with her brother and 98 others. Shes known for murder, but no one knows the truth other than her brother and best friend Octavia Blake. when a certain "guard" decides he wants to be king...