25 : Back To You

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The whole palace of Hastinapur got ready to welcome their third prince who attained victory in his war, bringing Glory into his country... the second wife of King of Dwarka, satyabhama was also present there, adding more tinct to the occasion...
As krishna went to Kashi to bring his parth, and dwarkeshwari satyabhama is with draupadi in her chamber, helping her with her adornments...

"Panchali.. today arjun will faint beholding your beauty dear...you are looking so etheral that I've no words to give an account of it..."
Satyabhama commented which instantly daubed tinct of red to panchali's visage...

"When will they arrive satya?are you sure that they will arrive today?"
A restless draupadi asked and satyabhama's laugh echoed the whole chamber...

"Seems like You are so Desperate to meet your husband... don't worry draupadi, they'll come.. they have already crossed the frontiers of Hastinapur...didn't you hear the proclamation...?"
Satya asked curbing her laughs and draupadi nodded positively...satya  shook her head and continued with her work..

"By the way, let me ask you something ...you doesn't seem like the draupadi I saw for the first time in dwarka a few months before... you've changed a lot...the way your eyes sparkling whenever I took his name,the tincture of longings and affection for Arjun in your voice, everything tells a different story...may I know the reason? you fell in love with paarth.. didn't you?"
Finally, bursting the silence, satyabhama interrogated while subtly observing the reflection of yagyaseni, through the mirror...
Draupadi downcast her eyelids and  lips twitched up to form a charming smile, conferring almost a precise answer to Satya...

"I don't know satya...i feels delighted and complete whenever he's near me..the way he gaze at me, makes my heart flutter and the way he winks at me , makes me feels like snow dropping in my abdomen...the way he kiss...kisses me feels like droplets of fresh water gliding over my skin .."
She enclosed her eyelids which looked like tapered lotuses and smiled to herself coyly...
Satyabhama's eyes widened at her last statement and she chuckled heeding to her cute tiny confession...
From the way she delineating her feelings itself screams her love for Arjun...

"You are so much deep in love with him dear...confess it as faster as possible...such things can't be procrastinated...today you have to unfold your feelings to him...open up your heart and confess it..."
Satya motivated draupadi and draupadi bit her lips to bridle her bubbling excitement and coy smile....

" I don't know how to explicate it satya..if it is love, then I love him...i really really love him...but I don't know how to confess it...i don't know how to set forth my feelings to words ..."
Draupadi confessed so naively... By birth itself, yagyaseni had blessed with the knowledge in almost everything in this world , but still she's so naive to the knowledge of man made things and also this kind of feelings towards a man was novel for her...

"Oh dear! Don't feel like that...you can..love has no particular language to confess...the only language of love is heart..pour your feelings out to him.. explicit it ... he'll understand you .."
Satya boosted her confidence, glancing straight into her reflection, placing her hands over draupadi's shoulders....as the final touch, satyabhama adorned her braided hair with a fresh red flower...
Satyabhama gawked at her reflection and raised her brows in awe...

"Oh my almighty, you look so divine that today, the invincible savyasachi will revolve around you like a bee revolving around flowers...and I'll get some time to spend with my Swami..."
Draupadi chuckled hearing satya's last statement and Satya corrugated her brows...

"Don't laugh draupadi...I'm serious..Swami always forgets me after arjun arrives...you tell me, don't you think that we have to spend some quality time together..?"
Satya's innocent quest made yagyaseni laugh more...

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