Chapter 34 - November 28, 2016

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When I woke up in the morning Wanda was nowhere to be found, much to my disappointment. The side of the bed she had been on was barely disturbed, not betraying the fact that anyone had even spent the night. If not for the lingering scent I had come to associate with the woman I might have believed I imagined the whole thing.

I stretched and glanced at my phone, humming a little. It was later than I would normally be up for coffee with Tony. That being said, it was early enough that he hadn't come pounding on my door just yet.

For the first time in a while I felt refreshed, like I had actually slept enough. I slid out of bed and grabbed a pair of socks from my drawer before tugging them on and padding out of the room and to the kitchen, where Tony immediately held out a mug to me. "I was about to come and get you."

I hummed, accepting the drink and taking a sip. "Is sleeping in no longer a thing?"

"I gave you til nine" he grumbled. "Plus I made your coffee."

"And you made it right" I praised with a chuckle, leaning forward to ruffle his hair. Tony rolled his eyes, dodging my hand and sitting down in his chair. I sat down in mine and leaned back, closing my eyes a bit and inhaling the scent of coffee.

"You look happier" Tony observed and I hummed, catching Wanda enter the room out of the corner of my eye. Tony noticed too, turning his attention to the witch. "You're up early this morning."

Wanda shrugged, pouring herself a cup of coffee and sitting down at the table. I blinked in surprise, although it was completely warranted. She was never up this early, and the few times she was she would get herself breakfast and coffee before leaving.

Having tuned into my thoughts Wanda turned to me, shooting me a look I somehow understood. She was up early because she left my room early.

"Would you help me make breakfast?" Wanda questioned, her head tilting slightly. I blinked in surprise before nodding slowly and getting to my feet.

"Call me back when it's ready and please don't make a mess of my kitchen" Tony grunted, pushing himself up from his chair and nodding at the two of us before leaving.

"You left" I murmured, not yet moving from my spot.

"I figured you would want to have coffee with Stark, and that he would come banging on the door again if you didn't show up."

"You'd be right" I chuckled, testing a trick I had been attempting as my brain lingered on the feeling of waking up with her, and how I almost wished that would have occurred this morning. I watched Wanda closely, relieved when I saw no sign that the brunette had picked up on the thought. "What are we making?"

"I was thinking waffles? Then maybe we could watch some of The Office since today you don't have training?" Wanda suggested and I nodded, suppressing a small grin at the idea of spending time with her after what seemed like so long. "Can you grab the flour?"

I opened the cabinet and grabbed the bag of flour, a cliche prank popping into my mind. I heard Wanda gasp as she spun around, catching wind of my idea but she was too late, a handful of flour hitting her in the face. She shook her head, gaping widely at me as I cackled.

Unfortunately I had momentarily forgotten that Wanda had powers, and I unexpectedly ended up with a face, and mouth, full of flour.

I sputtered loudly, face scrunching in disgust at the taste of raw flour. "I could die from this, you know. What would you do if you were the cause of my untimely death from raw flour consumption?"

Wanda's face contorted in horror, her eyes wide. "Can you really? You aren't going to die are you?"

I snickered, shaking my head. "I wouldn't die from it but I'd get sick."

Wanda huffed, sending another round of flour in my face before the bag was lifted from my hands and I assume she was starting on the waffles.

It was definitely a mistake for me to help Wanda with breakfast, but we eventually finished as people trickled in, thanking the two of us. And by us, they mostly thanked Wanda at her clarification that I simply made the process longer. It was true, but unnecessary to say.

Because of my lack of usefulness while we cooked I was forced to take over cleaning up. I hummed under my breath as I washed out a bowl, water soaking my shirt where I leaned against the sink.

I was almost done with the dishes-that kept piling on, mind you, thanks to the Avengers-when I felt a weight against my back, a chin resting on my shoulder. I turned a little, my eyes catching deep green and making my heart flutter.

"Are you done? You've been cleaning forever" Wanda muttered, and I struggled to find my voice, clearing my throat.

"It would go faster if you used your wiggly woos" I told her, funneling more energy into blocking her from my brain as my thoughts went wild, the warm breath fanning against my neck and cheek.

"It's a consequence for not helping" She said and I rolled my eyes, smiling a bit.

When I had finished we retreated to my room, successfully dodging the other Maximoff twin as he played video games.

We settled into my bed and I turned on what seemed to be Wanda's new favorite show. I, however, couldn't focus. At first my mind lingered on what exactly last night meant; needing to talk about it. But as the show went on the woman sitting next to me shifted my focus, sending my heart into a frenzy with every nose-scrunching laugh and every slight move to lean against me.

By the third episode I had forgotten about my worries and latched onto a new one. I, without a doubt, had a crush on Wanda.

Variation - W.M. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora