It been weeks, weeks that seemed like years, they dragged on forever. Bambi had never expected this to happen. The day he told Tristan was terrible. He saw Tristan's expression just shatter. Tristan just sat in silence, he hadn't even slept.
"Mr Bambi.." Tristan poked up, breaking the silence. "Yeah?" Bambi turned to face Tristan. " I gonna see my dad again?" After Tristan spoke, Bambi went silent. It shocked him, but....was Tristan right? Would he ever see him again?
"Come here.." Bambi extended his arms out to Tristan, pulling him into a hug. "We'll seem him, he's gonna be okay.." Bambi felt tears well up, but never did they come out. He had to keep a smile for Tristan. "A-are you sure?" Tristan stammered, "Your dad is a strong guy, he'll get through it." Bambi said, Tristan let go of the hug. Bambi smiled lightly at Tristan, "wanna draw something for your dad? I'll give it to him when I have the chance." Bambi asked, Tristan nodded and ran to the table, grabbing a sheet of paper and starting drawing away with some crayons.
Bambi sat down, a shaky sighed escaped his mouth. He was tired, so very tired, He hadn't slept, he spent all those nights worrying for Dave. Worrying endlessly day and night. He longed for a call from the hospital to tell him Dave was okay, but instead all there was, was pure silence and dread.
It was getting late, Bambi had already made dinner previously. Tristan was getting ready for bed, pulling the blankets over himself. Bambi walked in, "Mr Bambi?" Tristan asked, Bambi looked at Tristan, "yeah?" "Can you sing the bedtime song? The one my dad always sings me." Tristan asked, that song always brought comfort to Tristan, and considering what he's going through, Bambi couldn't say no. Bambi sat down on Tristan's bed, and took a deep breath,
" Even when you're feeling blue.
And the world feels like its crumbling around you.
Just know I'll always be there.
I wish I knew, everything that will happen to you.
But I don't, and that's okay.
As long as I'm here you'll always see a sunny day. "
Bambi smiled at Tristan, seeing the smile on Tristan's face made Bambi smile, He got off Tristan's bed and made his way out, "Night Kid." Bambi said, shutting the light off.
Bambi sat on the couch, taking a deep breath, he longed to see Dave again, he'd do anything for at least any good news. Over time Bambi had just been getting calls that Dave hadn't woke up from the coma he was in. He was getting desperate.His eyes shut and soon he fell asleep.
Chapter End

[ The Call He Had Dreaded ]
Fanfiction"He expected to hear his happy and cheery voice, but instead he heard the voice of a doctor." Lmao a Dave x Bambi book