Chapter 3

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 Satisfied that her temporary housemate wouldn't try to escape, the woman finished cleaning and re-wrapping Billy's wound. She then left the room only to return a few minutes later with a glass of cold water and a plate with over easy eggs on it. The man eyed what she held carefully as she set them down on the nightstand.

"It's not poisoned. Why would I save your ass and spend all that time cleaning and bandaging your wounds just to kill you with eggs?" She said noticing his suspicion filled look. The (h/c) haired woman helped him to sit up so as to not pop any stitches. (Y/n) sat back in the chair taking in the sight of the man before her. She hadn't properly looked at him until now. Her mind had been so focused on saving his life that she had missed the fact that he was a fairly handsome man.

Billy couldn't help but notice the woman staring at him. "You know staring at me like that doesn't exactly reassure me that the food isn't poisoned." He deadpanned. She blushed in embarrassment and looked away mumbling a quiet "shut up" in return.

The two sat in an awkward silence while Billy ate. The sound of a sharp pained inhale followed by hushed cursing snapped (y/n) out of whatever thoughts she had been thinking, her (e/c) eyes snapping over to the injured man.

"One to ten. What's the pain at? One being no pain and ten being excruciating." She asked calmly as if she'd asked this question a million times. He raised eight fingers while still cursing occasionally under his breath. "I'll get you some pain meds. When I go into work today, I'll grab antibiotics and stronger pain killers." She said as she stood up and left the room.

Billy nodded in acknowledgement and watched his caretaker leave. He lifted the gauze with a shaking hand to find a neatly stitched knife wound. He brought his hand to his face feeling lightheaded and dizzy. Must've lost a shit ton of blood. Why the fuck did she let me walk in? How long until I can get out of here? How is she so calm? Questions raced through his mind. He was so lost in thought he hadn't even noticed (y/n) walking in with a small cup with a pill in it.

"Take this" She said, making him jump. (Y/n) chuckled at his skittishness holding the cup out towards him. He glared at her. "Don't fucking laugh." His smooth voice said with a hint of anger. He took the cup with a still shaking hand and downed the pill with the water she had given him earlier.

She crossed her arms shaking her head softly smiling, "That confirms it. You're an idiot with no survival instinct.". He lifted an eyebrow as if to ask why. "You were so skeptical about the food I gave you but take a random pill that a stranger gives you without hesitation?" She answered his wordless question incredulously. After a moment of thinking he replied with "You said that there's no reason to poison me after doing all that work to save me."


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