chapter 19

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"She told me she loves me!!" I jump on the bus with the guys.

"That's amazing!" The guys cheer, patting me on the back.

I smile to myself, I can't believe she told me she loves me. Nova is truly the best thing to of happened to me. She makes me the happiest and luckiest man alive.

I walk to the back of the bus and look at the ring I bought. I plan on giving it to Nova on the last day of Warped. I know she has some doubt, or maybe just nerves about tour ending, since we won't be able to see each other every day.

We'll be states away from each other. But this ring is to show her how much I care for her, to show her that we will be okay.

"Hey Nova!" I hear the guys greet.

I quickly close the ring box and shove it in my bag, turning around as she comes out back.

"Hey," she chirps, leaning up and kissing my cheek.

"Hey baby, what's up?" I grin down at her.

"Nothing, just coming to see what you're up to,"

"I'm just getting ready for the meet and greet, wanna join?" I wrap my arms around her.


We go to the meet and greet. Everyone loved being able to meet Nova as well as seeing BVB.

I see Nova talking to a guy, who's really close to her, physically. He laughs at everything she says, and even takes a step closer.

"Hey," I walk over, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Hey babe, this is Erin, he's a huge fan of Seeing Death," Nova introduces, taking the hand that's around her shoulder.

"Hi, i'm Andy, her boyfriend," I shake his hand.

"Oh, you guys are together?" He suddenly steps back, "i'm so sorry I didn't know,"

"It's okay Erin, can I sign anything for you?"

I kiss the top of Nova's head and walk away, back to the group. Nova comes up to me, "what was that?" she questions.

"What was what?" I turn to her.

"Erin?" She raises an eyebrow.

"He was too close to you," I shrug.

"What? He was nice,"

"I know a horny little boy when I see one,"

She just laughs and pushes me playfully, "it's okay to admit you were jealous,"

"Hey, not jealous.. protective," I hug her tight.

"I love you," she smiles up at me.

"And I love you," I peck her lips.

The meet and greet ends and we're on our way back to Nova's bus. "I love you," she stares up at me.

"I love you,"

"I was afraid you'd think it was too early to say it," she bites her lip.

"I was ready to say it the second you did,"

Nova giggles as we walk on the bus

"Hey Nova, can we talk?" Atlas says seriously as we enter.

"Sure what's up?"

I sit down at the table as Atlas looks to me, then back to Nova. "I got this message today from an unknown number, asking to meet up with you," he shows her the message.

"Who is it?" She asks, confused.

"Continue reading,"

Nova take his phone and scrolls through the messages. She gasps when she comes to the end, "Holland."

Holland? He wants to meet with Nova? After what he did to her?

"Holland wants to meet up with me to talk about what happened," she looks between Atlas and I.

"I don't know why he messaged me about it, he knows I hate him and Angel," he takes his phone back.

"Maybe your number is the only one he remembered, and I blocked him after everything happened," she chews her lip. "Andy what do you think?" she looks to me.

"I don't know," I say honestly, "I mean, it's your choice, do you have anything you want to say to him?"

"I used to, I used to have a bunch to say, now, I think I just want an explanation," she stares at Atlas.

"Alright, i'll text him back and let him know a time and place."

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