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I woke up in the guest room that Saint allowed me to stay in

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I woke up in the guest room that Saint allowed
me to stay in.

Yes he let me stay at his home— I'm guessing he felt bad for me and chose to help me out. I've been here for 2 days and I can honestly say it's been way better then what I've been through at home.

A knock at my door knocked me out my thoughts. The door opened and Saint walked in with a bag from Waffle House..

He has been out all night and he's just coming back home.

"You good luh baby?" He asked.

He has been calling me little names like that since I've got here.. it's most likely because he doesn't know my real name.

I nodded in response as he sat the bag on the bed and kicked off his shoes.

"You hungry? I got you some food."

I quickly nodded causing him to laugh.. he had beautiful straight teeth. This man was fine not gonna lie.

But I can tell he's way older then I am.

He handed me my container of food before taking his out and saying his blessing before digging in.

I did the same — once I was finished I grabbed his container and mine and took it downstairs to throw it away in the garbage before coming back upstairs to brush my teeth.

I didn't have any clothes so I was wearing a pair of his boxers and a shirt.

Once I came out the room I seen Saint was laid out on the bottom of my bed sleep. One hand was covering his eyes while the other was tucked in his jeans.

My eyes scanned over his body. He didn't have on a shirt so his tattooed chest was in full display and he was looking so fine.

"Stop starring at me luh mama." He said not even looking at me.

How did he?? Never mind.

I sat in the bed against the head board and looked at the tv as Netflix played.

"Imma shower and shit then we finna go to the mall and get you some clothes." He said Turing his head to look at me.

I looked down at him and nodded.

He licked across his bottom lip taking it between his lips.

"I won't be long baby girl." He spoke before looking away and getting up walking out my room.

I decided to shower too and throw on the legging and sports bra that Ella gave me that night.

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Once I was done I heard music blasting from Saints room. So I slid into the slides she also gave me and walked out the room I was staying in and over to saints.

His door was open and he stood in front of the mirror with just some underwear on looking down at his phone.

"Come in mama. Don't just stand there." He said with his back still turned to me.

This man got some type of magic powers or sumn? I thought as I walked in.

He turned towards me and my eyes immediately went to his print.. this man was so big even on soft— I knew whoever he was fucking is crazy over him.

Without realizing it he walked closer to me and lifted my head up so now my eyes were looking into his.

"Baby my face up here." He said with a smirk.

I felt my body heat up from embarrassment and from his touch.

He let me go laughing as he backed away and slid into some sweats and a hoodie.

He tossed me one of his hoodies and I slipped it on. It smelled just like him.

We left out the house getting into his orange hellcat.


I dropped down onto the bed exhausted from all the shopping we did today.

Saint brought me everything I looked at. Clothes, shoes, makeup anything then took me to Walmart to get all my hygiene products.

He stopped to get some Chinese food before we made it back home.

I heard him bring my bags into my room as he sat them down.

"You good mama? Imma bout to head out to the trap."

I sat up and looked with sad eyes— I'm honestly tired of being in this house alone.

"Why you look like I just killed your dog or sumn?"

I shrugged my shoulders Causing him to suck his teeth. "I brought you all this shit and you can't talk to me? Damn I can't even get your name?" He huffed

I sighed before I mumbled "Syx auhjae Hardy" telling him my full name.

A smile spread across his face "Syx— I like that name."

"Well Syx you wanna ride with me or sumn? I assumed you was—" I cut him off with a nod standing up.

"Aight well imma smoke first then we gonna head out" he said before walking away.

I took this time to quickly freshen up.
I touched up my straightened hair and I added a little make up making sure not to touch the stitches.

Once I was done I changed into some shorts and a cropped to. I added a hat and slipped into my shoes before I was ready.

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