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In only an hour, I had finished the first step of my plan.

Next, I began to surf the web for remote housing. I found a beautiful house that was being sold by a young man out in the country, a half hour's drive from our current house. He was selling it at a reduced price due to its 'inconvenient' location. It was perfect! I bought the house in full without a second thought before I arranged to meet him at the house tomorrow afternoon to sign the necessary paperwork and move in.

Having bought the house I was now low on money again but I had just enough because I knew in only 2 weeks' time money would be useless.

This was when Danny woke up. I hadn't moved at all since he fell asleep and 4 hours had passed as I made preparations for the future. Since Danny had woken up I decided to tell him about my plans to move and I showed him the various pictures of the beautiful house out in the middle of nowhere. It looked just like a hire in a fairytale Danny was ecstatic at the news that this stunning home was ours. I was relieved when Danny expressed his excitement about the move and the new house. His cute little face was filled with smiles and I couldn't resist the urge to give him a peck on the cheek so I did, causing Danny to giggle from the ticklish sensation.

I glanced at the old clock hanging onto life desperately in the corner of the room and saw the time, it was 4:30, and based on the setting sun I knew that it was 4:30 pm. I finally stood after sitting in bed since the early morning as I realized my hunger and my son's inevitable hunger. As such, I made my way over to the cramped little kitchen of the old apartment and began to start making a delicious meal with what little food the cupboards held. After a few minutes of scavenging, I managed to find some instant noodles, eggs, and a chive. Armed with my limited ingredients I decided to make us some, surprise surprise, noodles!

Luckily, I had been planning to go shopping tomorrow morning before we moved into our new home. But for now, the noodles I made with practised expertise from 2 lifetimes were quickly completed and I sat with my bun as we happily ate and I listened to Danny chatter away about this and that before we both went to sleep for the night cuddled together under the thin blanket on my bed.

Manoeuvring skilfully through the gaps in the torn blinds, the sun stabbed at my eyes forcing me out of my comfortable sleep. Danny had buried his head under the quilt by my stomach so his rest was still undisturbed for now. I carefully removed myself from the bed and then looked for some clean and wearable clothing for both of me and Danny.

I found a red hoodie and some black joggers for me and a long sleeve white striped shirt and black joggers for Danny. I quickly changed into my newly discovered outfit, laying Danny's outfit out on the chair opposite the bed for him to change into when he woke up.

After I was done with that I started searching for a good and cheap place to go for breakfast.

I found a pretty obscure one but it fulfilled my conditions so I gently woke my baby and helped him get dressed as he was drowsy.

There was barely anything of importance in the apartment other than us and the jade pendant mentioned in the book as his mother's only keepsake that Danny was refused to have after the original's death. Due to that, I didn't need to pack, I merely grabbed the pendant and stuck it around my neck for safekeeping before picking up Danny and heading out with my wallet and a backpack filled with any important papers belonging to me and Danny for when we signed the papers for our new home. Like that, I left the dingy place where Danny had lived his entire life so far, handing in the keys to our landlord before departing to that small breakfast shop I found online to pad our stomachs before we went shopping for everything we needed before we moved later today. I had already laid all the money for the house so that wasn't a worry.

When we arrived at the shop front of the humble shop I was encompassed in a homely and cost feel. I ended up ordering a bowl of shredded chicken porridge for me and a few dough sticks for Danny. We both ate the food happily, as it was delicious and the old man that run the place was very kind so I decided to leave him a hint about the coming outbreak without being too obvious so he wouldn't think I'm crazy.

"That new epidemic is really bad and the weather has been really dry recently, I hope you look after yourself and make sure you have plenty of food and medicine just in case something happens because you're a good person," I said as I paid before leaving with Danny after we had eaten our food.

The old man had mumbled some form of an acknowledgement as he bid us both goodbye. Content with my act of goodwill I began to head to a nearby charity shop to get a few things we needed. Charity shops are always relatively cheap especially compared to shops that sell new clothes and the money goes to a good cause although I know it won't matter much once the zombie outbreak begins.

It wasn't long before I and Danny had happily picked out entire new wardrobes as well as new towels, bed sheets, curtains, rugs, and even a few toys and books on various topics ranging from fiction to history to cooking.


Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!

Apocalypse? So what I got a 5 year old to raise!Where stories live. Discover now