You came home today to find that Urushihara was gone. He was gone when you came home everyday for the past week. You didn't ask about it because it seemed unimportant. He was his own man who could go out when he wanted...but at the same time he was Urushihara. He is lazy, technology addicted, and anti-social. It was strange and quite lonely not coming home to his glow at the laptop. You began getting dinner ready. You knew that Urushihara would come home in the next thirty minutes, if he continued his schedule that he was on.
Maybe I should ask Maou about it... Maybe this has happened before. But wouldn't Maou have told me about it? You were deep in thought until you began to smell food burning. You were making bacon to go on the hamburgers you had made. You quickly tried removing it from the stove but your hand had slipped and you ended up burning part of your hand. You winced in pain and held your hand under water.
"Great... I burned the food, now what will we eat?" You sighed in despair still letting the cool water run over your hand. Suddenly you heard the door open and Urushihara slipped into the house without saying a word.
"Hello to you too..." You mutter to yourself. Urushihara heard you and gave you a strange look.
"You okay?" He got up and saw the redness and peeling skin on your hand. "What happened?"
"My hand slipped and I burned it a little bit, I'm alright." You reassured him as you held you hand away.
"That's a grease burn ______, those are dangerous..." He walked away from you, you saw annoyance in his face. He came back with gauze and wrapped your hand carefully.
"So, I take it from the smell that dinner got burned?" He looked at the burnt bacon on the counter.
"Just that, I made the burgers earlier, those are done." You pulled the burgers out of the microwave and prepared them. You set the plates in front of yourself and Urushihara. He thanked you and the two of you began to eat. You noticed how tired he's been looking lately. He had huge dark circles under his eyes and he looked slightly pale. He talked even less than he used to.
"Are you okay...?" You asked after a little bit of silence.
"What? You're the one who got hurt. Of course I'm okay. Why?"
"You have been looking exhausted lately... I was getting worried. Plus you're always going out, it's not like you." He looked a you strangely and shrugged.
"I'm fine." He didn't answer the part about going out all the time. He's being too suspicious to just let it slide.
If he's not going to tell me the truth then I'll just have to go ask Maou and Ashiya about it...
"I have to go see Emi now." You made up the lie so he wouldn't come with you. You knew not to ask Emi for advice first, she tended to be a little scary when Urushihara was acting up. You wanted to know what he was doing, not get him killed.
"Really? This late at night?" He gave you a confused look and furrowed his brow.
"Uh... yeah, it's really important. Plus it's only nine right now. I should be fine." You quickly put on your shoes and a light coat and began to leave. "Put any food you don't eat in the fridge! I'll be back soon!" You called and left the house.
You immediately broke into a sprint toward Maou's house. Then you remembered the tracker that Urushihara had put in your shoe. You quickly took the shoe back off and searched for it. Sewed into the inside was a thin tracker, you dug it out with your nails and threw it into the bushes then began your run to Maou's again.
You arrived at his door out of breath, you were barely able to knock on it. Maou soon opened the door looking a bit frightened.
"Oh _____, it's just you. I was afraid it was going to be Emi." He laughed nervously and opened the door. You were still out of breath so you just gave Ashiya a little wave. When you were finally able to breathe correctly you began to tell the about your issues with Urushihara.

Urushihara X Reader
FanfictionWhat happens when you let a socially awkward, technology addicted, NEET live with you? 1. A messy house 2. No more snacks 3. LOVE??