Chapter 6
AN: Any of the lines from Torchwood are owned by the BBC and the TW showrunners and writers.
Jack and Ianto sat up in the Hub with a gasp. They weren't dead- they were fine. Did they somehow have the same nightmare? That's not possible, is it? Oh. Right. They had gotten stuck in an alien simulator. Seems like dying in the simulation freed them of it.
Jack moved closer to Ianto and wrapped him in a hug. "That felt so real. I'm glad you're alive - I couldn't bear losing you. I wish there was some way to make you immortal or myself mortal so we have each other always."
"If only there were. However, you have me now. Don't mourn my death while I'm still alive. I'll do everything I can to stay alive."
"You're right. We'd better make the most of it, then."
A moment of silence, then Ianto pulled Jack to his feet and down to his bunker. "I suppose we should."
Suddenly, Jack heard a ticking coming from inside. A look of fear came over his face, and he ran upstairs to the medbay. He used the pregnancy scanner, frantically checking it for anything abnormal- there! A bomb inside him that'll go off in two minutes. As he was scanning, the Hub started going to lockdown. Ianto had run after Jack, and now was trying to reverse the lockdown. Gwen had already gotten out, but the cogdoor was sealed now. Jack pulled him away from the computer. "Ianto, you have to get out!"
"You're going to be trapped inside!"
"I can survive anything, but you can't!" Jack's voice broke. He didn't know how to make Ianto leave the Hub. He grabbed Ianto by the arm and got him onto the lift. Jack kissed him hard, before setting the lift to take Ianto out of the Hub.
Ianto barely made it out, before the the bomb exploded. A piece of shrapnel caught his cheek and left a deep cut. After that, everything else went to shit.
And three days later, Jack's whole world collapsed. They were facing the 456, and were locked inside Thames House. The 456 had just released a virus, and it was slowly killing everyone, Ianto included.
Jack was panicking. "We have to get you out of here!"
"It's too late. I breathed the air." Ianto didn't meet Jack's eyes, scared of the pain he knew would be etched there.
"You said you would fight," the 456 growled, taunting Jack.
"Then I take it back, alright? I take it all back, but not him!" Jack felt powerless to do anything.
Just then, Ianto collapsed. Jack sat next to him, holding Ianto's head in his lap. "Nononono! Ianto!"
"I love you," Ianto finally admitted to Jack.
"Don't-" it felt like goodbye forever to Jack, he didn't want to accept that Ianto wasn't making it out alive. "It's all my fault." HIs fault for not treating their relationship better, for not treating Ianto better, for Ianto dying. He felt so helpless.
"No it's not." You're not to blame. I came with you.
"Don't speak. Save your breath." I'm going to get you out of here, come on, please don't die.
"Hey. It was good, yeah?" Remember the good times we had.
"Don't forget me." I'm just one of many loves. I'm just a blip in space and time for you. How can I compare?
"Never could." You are the most special to me of anyone. I could never, ever forget you, Ianto Jones.
"A thousand years time, you won't remember." Don't make promises you can't keep. I know you'll forget me."
"Yes I will. I promise, I will." I will do whatever I can to remember you. I promise I am not going to forget you.
Ianto's eyes closed, and he went still.
"Ianto. Ianto, don't go! Don't leave me! Please! Please, please don't!" Nonononono! Ianto was dying, and he was powerless to do anything. Ianto went slack in his arms. He was dead. It felt like he was reliving the simulator nightmare again. Jack tried to bring Ianto back with a kiss of life, but his own life was slipping away, and he fell on the floor, dead, next to Ianto.
There was a flash of light around Ianto, and then it faded.
Jack woke up, and saw Ianto was gone. He broke down, sobbing. His heart was shattered.
Hello my lovely readers! You have reached the end of this story, but don't worry! Jack and Ianto's adventures continue in a sequel story! There are going to be a lot of twists and surprises! Love y'all xo

I Called Him Cariad
RomanceTorchwood AU, Jack and Ianto work for Torchwood Publishing, a newspaper/magazine company.