Chapter Twelve

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"It's already decorated?" Tom said as he observed the place. It wasn't a big place of course. There was no need for that. Tord had told Tom the thing that mattered most was the basement. And if they could expand it for their experiments. It took them about half an hour to get there.

"Yea, the only thing this place doesn't have is food, and of course other random items." Tord waved his arm. He walked and Tom followed.

"Here's your room," Tord said opening a door. The room was small. But considering the fact, Tom already has a room somewhere else it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Nice, I guess. Did this use to be an Airbnb or something? Why is it fully decorated?" Tom said flopping onto his small bed.

"I don't know all the details, like I said I was focused on what was needed," Tord responded.

"Did you murder someone and take their house or something?" Tom squinted. Tord rolled his eyes.

"Of course not, that's far too much work. If it was that kind of case I would have committed extortion. Murder is so annoying to take care of." Tord complained. Tom just pretended he wasn't slightly afraid of Tord. Talking about murdering people like it was a normal kinda thing everyone did. He honestly didn't want to know about Tord's personal business. Tord noticed the way Tom's face changed. "Not that I murder people or something."

"Ok, whatever Tord." They continued to look at the rest of the house before descending to the basement.

Tom looked around at the stuff Tord had around. He had to pause when he saw a chair with restraints. Maybe I was wrong about this. Would Tord be mad if I called it quits? I mean it's barely even started. Maybe he can find another use for this place?

"Earth to Tom, stop zoning out," Tord said finally gaining Tom's attention.

"Um, sorry," Tom said scratching at his arm.

"You were looking at that chair, weren't you?" Tord asked.

"Well duh, I mean it is pretty unsettling. So what is all of this?"

"Well, that over there is the room im building that theoretically can contain you in monster form. That chair is for experiments that might make you turn. All of this on the table is my science lab type of shit. And that's a fridge." Tord labeled and pointed to things in the room.

"Wow, I didn't know what a fridge was until now. Thanks for telling me. How did you even get all this stuff? Isn't it expensive?" Tom questioned walking around to examine.

"What did I tell you about my finances?" Tord remarked.

"That it's none of my business." Tom sighed. Tom opened the fridge. Hmmm nothing in there, how about the freezer?

His eyes opened as he looked at the contents of the freezer. "I see you've found something." Tord walked over. "That is blood I picked up from a butcher. Specifically pigs blood. One of the experiments I want to conduct involves testing if your monster side likes only fresh blood."

"Ok then," Tom said closing the freezer door. Tom took a few deep breaths.

"So, how are you feeling Tom?" Tord said noticing his behavior. He seems quite anxious. He's very fidgety.

"Honestly, im not sure. I know we're doing this so I can hopefully solve this problem but my stomach is giving me a bad feeling. I bet im just overreacting but it feels dangerous." Tom said closing his eyes.

"I get it, but everything has a risk of danger if you think too hard about it. I'm trying to make this as safe as it can be. I only kinda know what I'm doing. I mean I've never done anything like this before. I'm not an idiot though so I think it will be ok. Anyways, I'm gonna continue working down here. I'm assuming your gonna go to your room?"
Tord raised an eyebrow.


"Yea, im probably just gonna take a nap or something," Tom responded.

"Hmph, typical you." Tord smiled.

"Hey, shut your mouth. It's not like I know how to help you anyway." Tom complained.

"Yea yea, if your sleeping I'll wake you up when it's time to go. It's probably gonna be late then." Tord noted.

"Ok." Tom went back upstairs and went to his new room. He decided to observe around a little more. He opened the blinds to not much of a view. Just a fence and the next house. Boring.

After he closed the blinds, he took off his shoes and threw himself into the bed. Ugh.

His stomach grumbled. "Damn it, Tord said there's no food here," Tom whined. He pulled out his flask and took a long swig. This should make me feel better. I feel so on edge right now.

Tom thought of things he could do to get out of this situation if he wanted. Runaway, fake my death, actually die, kill Tord. These are all very impractical. Eventually, he fell asleep.

Tord wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. He took out his phone to look at the time. I think that's good enough for today.

He walked up the stairs and looked around the room. No Tom.

He approached Tom's door but while he went to grab the doorknob he heard a sound. "Tom?" Tord asked. No response.

Slowly he opened the door to see Tom was just tossing and talking in his sleep.  "Tom, wake up," Tord said loudly.

Tom jumped up out of his sleep. He looked around confused and scared. After blinking a few times he calmed down. Tord began to laugh.

"What was that?" Tord asked amused.

"Shut up asshole. I was having a bad dream. If that wasn't obvious." Tom said standing up and making a fist at Tord.

"Do you have a lot of bad dreams?" Tord asked.

"None of your business," Tom claimed.

"Actually, I feel like it is kind of important to our research. Especially if it's dreaming about your monster form."

"Nerd. I'll tell you if I feel like it." Tom said grumbling and putting his shoes on.

"Wow, and you call me an asshole. Have it your way." Tord said walking out.

"You too buddy."

"You hungry? Im gonna stop and get something." Tord asked while driving.

"Hmmm, I guess," Tom mumbled while looking out the window.

A few minutes later Tord stopped at a small walk-in restaurant they ate at every once in a while.

"Im assume you don't want to go inside, so is there anything you specifically want?" Tord asked.

"No," Tom answered after yawning.

"Ok then, don't get mad at what I pick then." Tord closed the car door.

A few minutes later Tord walked out with the food.

After getting back in the car he handed Tom his food.

"I got you chicken tenders and a lemonade."

"Thanks," Tom said.

Tom opened the box and munched on a fry. a few seconds later he looked over to see Tord eating his food like an animal.

"Damn, what happened to manners." Tom smiled.

"Fuck manners. This is my car and im hungry." He said looking at Tom.

"Ok then."

Tom and Tord walked into the front door. Edd turned around on the couch to look at them.

"And where have you two been?" Edd asked.

"Why do you care?" Tom retorted.

"I'm not asking rudely. I'm just curious. You guys have been gone most of the day. " Edd said with wide eyes.

"We just got stuck in a stupid adventure you know. I almost killed Tom." Tord lied.

"You wish," Tom said.

"And here I thought you guys were getting along or something. I guess I should know better by now." Edd sighed.

"Yes you should."


Authors note: This is random but I feel like I need to be more organized when I write. The only thing I have laid out for this story is the main points and I make up everything else. Not that that's a bad thing but it's definitely not ideal. Yea.

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