chapter 9

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I've been a snake for a few hours now. The voices keep coming back randomly, either whispering about how much Cupid hates me and wants me gone, or screaming in my head about destruction. I hate them. You don't hate us. Not the same way everyone hates you. Go away! Leave me alone! We'll never leave. Make us. If we leave, then you'll be alone. All alone. Poor little Sunder. No one cares about her.

I felt  my body stretch and slithered under the table quicky, ignoring Cupid's worried glances. Not worried glances. Who would worry about you? He's just worried you're going to eat him. Shut it! They giggled in my head as I changed forms quietly.

"Sunder? You ok?"

"C-can you get me my c-clothes?"

He jumped when I spoke, but rushed into my room. A dress was quickly tossed under the table, and I slipped it on over my head. I slowly crawled out from under the table, then I wobbled to my room. As soon as I was through the door, I closed it, and pulled on my underwear and bra and some gloves. One thing I hate about transformations is that you had no clothes on afterwards. I grabbed my gem, and opened my window, wincing as it creaked. After a minute with nothing happening, I heaved my body over the sill, and glanced down. No one under me. I swept a gaze around me, and at the buildings that surrounded this place. When I was sure that no one was there, I put my gem on.

There was a bit of pain, as my wings grew, but as soon as the feathers were there, I took off. My wings flapped and changed positions as I wanted them to. Slight winds gusted around me, as the large things fluttered. For something so big, they were extreamly light, and I had no problem making them swoop and arch as I twisted and turned in the air.

The sun had begun to set when I swung into my room once more. My wings quickly burned off, and I let out a small whimper of pain. Once they were gone, I put the gem on my nightstand, and locked the window shut. The voices have left me alone during the flight, and before I transformed, but now they were back.

  Don't leave the room. You deserve to stay in here. No, go out and hurt the god. You don't need him. Murder someone. Hurt someone. For us. You want us to be happy, right? You want to be happy right? He's making you unhappy. Get rid of him. NO! Yes. This will make you happy. NO! YES.


I yanked open the bedroom door, and was faced with the one they wanted me to kill. Kill him. Kill Cupid? Hurry and kill him. Kill him? Yes. Kill him.

My gloved hands reached out and wrapped around Cupid's neck. We fell over, and I strattled him, as my grip tightened on his throat. The man choked, and tried to wrestle me off of himself, but he couldn't do anything. Yes, kill him. He won't be able to hurt you. He just has to die.

Suddenly, I was being pried off of the man I needed to kill. My brother had stopped me from harming the god. NO! He must die! I tried to get away from my brother to finish the job, but he tightened his hold on my waist. No matter how much I bit and clawed and screeched at him, he didn't let go. It was then that I caught the man's eye. As soon as our eyes connected, I froze. Cupid. Kill him.

"NO!" I screamed, clutching at my head.

My brother let go of me, and I fell to my knees. The thoughts were whirling around in my head, and I wasn't even sure which were mine. You almost killed him. Why did you try to kill him? I hate you. Leave me alone. Go away. Kill him. NO! Save me! I want to get out! Let me take over. Someone help me! Let me be! What? You aren't going to cry, are you? Weak. JUST DIE ALREADY!

"Sunder? What happened? You tried to kill me!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, you're not. Yes, I'm very sorry. We want you to die. Sorry. Want to kill you. No, don't want to kill him. Destroy him. Stop it! Murder him. Leave me alone!" I was crying hystarically, but laughing at the same time.

My brain pounded in my skull, as I rocked back and forth. It seemed as though a thousand peices of glass wanted to get out of my head. Stabbing pain pressed at every inch of my body, and it burned like someone was holding a hot torch to my skin. STOP IT!

All of a sudden, it stopped. Warmth was around my body as I was pressed into something, but it wasn't unpleasent. I clutched at whatever was holding me, and realised that is was Cupid. Tears still poured out of my eyes, but this time in releif. I looked up at Cupid, and saw a million questions in his eyes, but he simply held me tightly against him, and stroked my hair.

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