*Chapter 5: You're Undead to Me*

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*Mystic Falls, Virginia, Nighttime- The Salvatore Boarding House, 3 Days Later- The Cellar*

Stefan goes down to the cellar and sees Damon laying on his side on the ground and he's very weak and is starting to desiccate. Damon sees him at the gate and asks sternly, "Where's my daylight ring? He responds and retorts sternly, "You won't be needing it, anymore!" Damon nods and asks confused, "How long, have I been down here?" He responds and admits, "3 days." Damon groans in pain and tries to sit up, but can't and asks sad, "What are you doing, to me?" He responds, and admits with a smile, "During the Dark Ages, when a vampire's actions threatened to expose or bring harm upon the entire race? Humans faced judgement. They sought to re-educate them, rather than to punish them." Damon responds and retorts serious, "You know, what will happen, if I don't feed on blood." He nods and retorts sternly, "You'll grow weaker and weaker, and eventually, you won't be able to move or speak. In a week your skin will desiccate, and you'll mummify, a living corpse. Unable to hurt anyone. Ever." Damon cuts him off and remarks with a smile, "So, what, you're just going to keep me, in the basement forever?" Stefan shakes his head and admits with a smile, "I've injected you, with enough of Vervain to keep you weak. Once, you've served your purpose. I'm putting you in The Salvatore Family Crypt. Where you'll remain, for the next fifty years? Then, we can talk and re-evaluate the situation!" Damon nods and remarks with a smile, "I'm stronger than you think!" He nods and retorts with a smile, in agreement, You always have been. But you're not stronger than the Vervain and we both know it! I'm sorry. I didn't have to be this way." He leaves and Damon looks sad.

*The Next Day in The Morning- The Gilbert's House- Elena's Bedroom*

Elena is wearing a navy-blue tank top and grey sweatpants. She wakes up and looks over at her dresser and sees her diary and she sighs, grabs it and sits up and then, contemplates what to write. But she decides not to and lays it back down on the dresser and she gets up and she goes to the bathroom and opens the door and sees Vicki inside, brushing her teeth and she's wearing a brown top and pink underwear. She apologizes and says with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'm almost done?" Elena nods and retorts with a smile, "No. Its k, take your time." She leaves, still in shock and goes back to her room.

*Jeremys Bedroom/Downstairs- The Kitchen*

Vicki finishes and walks in and admits with a smile to him, "I think you, might be in trouble?" He smiles at her as she gets on top of him and rest her right hand on his chest and cups his face, with, her left hand and he comments and retorts with a smile, "What did you do?" She laughs and admits, "Elena saw me." He cups her face with his hand and moves a lock of her hair behind her ear and he remarks with a smile, I'm a drug-using delinquent. A girl in bed, doesn't really rank. Sorry." She laughs and kisses his him and he rolls on top of her and responds to the kiss.

Elena walks in the kitchen wearing a sleeveless olive-green and royal blue dress with brown sandals on and she sees Jenna sitting at the counter, working on her thesis and she whisper to her with a smile bout Vicki and Jeremy, "Jenna, are you aware, of what's happening upstairs?" Jenna is wearing an olive-green blouse and navy-blue jeans. She looks over to her, nods and retorts with a smile, "Un-huh." Elena smiles and comments, whilst laying her black jacket down, behind a chair, "You have no objections?" Jenna nods, and remarks with a smile, "He could be crafter bout it? At least, make an effort, to sneak her in and out." She nods and goes over to the cabinet and takes out, some cereal, and a red bowl as Jenna continues and admits with a smile, "Just so, you know, I wont be home for dinner." Elena nods and retorts with a smile, "So you're actually going to do it? Go out with Logan." Jenna stops writing and looks over to her and retorts sternly, "Yes. I'm going to show up and torture him. Elena laughs and Jenna continues and asks curious, "So have you heard, from Stefan?" Elena sighs and retorts with a smile, "Not since, he left that very vague message, through three days ago." She pours the milk and cereal in the bowl and continues and remarks with a smile, 'Hi, uh, Elena, I um, I have something, I got to do? Ill explain, in a few days?' Jenna nods, takes a sip of her coffee, puts the cup back down, laughs and then retorts with a smile, "Have you called him?" Elena shakes her head and retorts sternly, "Not going to either?" Jenna responds and asks concerned, "Are you k, with everything?" She puts the cereal back down and retorts upset, "No. I'm not k with any of it. But I'm not going to cry about it, either?" Jenna looks at her sad as she continues and admits in frustration, "I mean, I was going to write, in my diary, this morning, but then, I thought, what's the point? What am I, going to write? I mean, honestly, I'm not going to be, one of those pathetic girls, whose world stops spinning, because some of damn guy!" She takes a bite out of her cereal. Jenna nods, understanding and retorts with a smile, "K, then." Elena nods and retorts a little hurt, but assures her, with a smile, "No. I'll be fine." She leaves.

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