Doctor's Visit

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"I'm happy you decided to agree and tag along with me and Hirio! I'm sure lilbakugo will enjoy her first doctor's visi–"

Slapping a hand over Eijiro's lip, Katsuki glanced at you over his shoulder as you played on his phone with Hirio watching over your shoulder, his chin resting on it.

"Shut up, will you. You want her to start screaming?" Katsuki hissed lowly removing his have from Eijiro's mouth he continued to drive towards the hospital, "You haven't told her yet? She is scared of needles?" Eijiro questioned barely above a whisper.

Katsuki shrugs his shoulders lightly the hero thinking quietly int he spoke, "Found out she never went to the doctors before even when she was sick, what kid isn't afraid of needles?"

"Yeah, I guess you are right it takes everything for Hirio just to get a simple shot for the flu."

"Papa, when we get to the aquarium can I swim with the dolphins?"

Eijiro looked at Katsuki who glanced at the other for a moment, "Yeah."

The red-haired hero mouthed 'Really? Really?' only for Katsuki to send him a glare telling him to keep his mouth shut as he continued to the hospital.

Once parked, Katsuki opened the door grabbing his phone from you, and picked you up he placed you on his hip as he began to walk towards the hospital, "Papa! Can I get a stuffed sea animal?"

"What's your favorite sea animal?" He asked walking across the parking lot after closing the door, you tapped your chin humming cutely not noticing the hospital you were getting closer to. "(F/S/C)!"

"Sure, as long as you listen you could have one–" A loud horrid scream made you and Katsuki flinch when you both turned around, you see Hirio struggling against Eijiro who was trying to drag the boy "KUCCHAN RUN! ITS THE DOCTOR'S THEY ARE GOING TO GIVE US SHO–" Eijiro covered his mouth as he held the boy to his chest causing the man to let out a nervous laugh. "Doctor's for the sea creatures!"

Katsuki glared at Hirio then looked at you who looked at Katsuki from the corner of your eyes, giggling gently you flashed him a smile "H-Hehe, Papa maybe can we go to the aquarium another time?"

Clicking his tongue as you felt his arms tightened around you making your eyes widened, he turns his head to Eijiro and shouted "Hurry up, she fucking knows about the shots!" He shouted, breaking into a run with Eijiro running after him holding the struggling Hirio while you screamed trying to get out of his arms.



"So, these are the two who caused such a scene in my waiting room huh?" The elder questioned while Eijiro and Katsuki sat by each other, the red-haired hero had to activate his quirk as Hirio who also activate his began to bite on his Dad's arm to get him to let go of him.

Katsuki who was holding you in a small headlock that was loose you glared darkly at the doctor while Hirio continued to bite at Eijiro's arm, "I see that little Hirio grew since the last time I saw him... And his quirk seemed to have strengthened up a bit."

"Yeah, he has a bit of me and his mother in him!" Eijiro started proudly not fazed by Hirio, "So who will go first?" The doctor asked placing his clipboard down.

Eijiro looked at Katsuki who was casually strolling through his one with one hand while holding you with one arm, "Don't think about it shitty hair."

Sighing gently Eijiro stood up holding Hirio then sat down on the small chair in front of the doctor, "Now, that quirk will have to be deactivated." The doctor mentioned preparing the needle.

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"Hirio, buddy do you think you can take this small little shot?"

"No! I hate shots they hurt and look scary!"

Eijiro pouted softly then perked up with a smile, "Hirio do you know what would be cool? Manly even?" He questioned, Hirio who was pouting looked up at the man who smiled widely at him. "You know, I have to do things I really do like doing sometimes... But I still face them head-on with a smile, that's the manliest and cool thing you can ever do."

Hirio stayed quiet for a moment the boy deep in thought he glanced towards the needle the doctor was holding then quietly back to Eijiro, "I will be a man like you?"
"Hirio, you will be a better man than I am!"

Quirk slowly disappearing Hirio smiles gently his skin going back to normal as he looked at Eijiro, the pink-haired boy looked at the needle "O-Okay... I'm ready!"

"Good, let's go ahead and get this started... It's okay going to be a small pinch just relax." Walking to the boy who was looking ahead, away from the needle with an adorable look of determination to show his strength across his features.

Holding his breath, his chubby cheeks puffed out as the doctor simply insert the needle the moved it, once wiping the area he placed the colorful band-aid then smiled warmly at the boy "All done, see? Now was that bad?"

Hirio released his breath gazing down at his bandaid, the boy's eyes lit up with a small gasp then he looked at Eijiro "Dad I'm a man!... Or a manly boy!" He laughed happily hugging the hero tightly.

Once the two moved from the chair, The doctor turned to look towards your direction seeing a dark aura surrounding you while Katsuki was still calmly looking at his phone. "Okay, Bakugo I am ready for your little one."
"Your funeral." Sighing softly he placed the phone into his pocket, standing up walking to the chair he sat down with you in his lap. "Okay, I'm not going to say some sappy crap or anything, take it or get sick and die."

"Huh, Bakugo it looks like you are due on your last shot as well... I suppose your mother didn't come by when you were younger to have it done."

"What." Katsuki's eyes snapped to the doctor who stared down at his board, "Yep... It shouldn't take long it's quite overdue but it shouldn't be anything to a hero like yourself, maybe it will show your daughter it's not too bad." Katsuki pressed his lips together firmly his red irises peering into your round eyes.

Mentally cursing Mitsuki for not going to the stupid doctor's for his last shot, he held his arm out for the doctor.

Once preparing the needle the doctor walked over to Katsuki who kept his eyes away for a moment, just when the needle barely pricked his skin the hero clicked his tongue annoyed "Will you hurry up?!"
"I was just about to Bakugo, if you could just relax your muscles–"


"Bakubro, are you scared of needles–"

"SHUT UP!... I'm not scared they are just annoying." He snapped, inhaling sharply he felt a small pat on his shoulder his eyes looking down at you seeing you look up at him. "Papa, it's okay do you wanna hold my hand? And I will hold yours?"

Katsuki felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment, the hero scoffed gently but nonetheless held your small hands in his large palms squeezing them gently.

Gazing away with his chin resting on top of your head, shoulders relaxing letting the doctor able to give the shot needed once finished and patched up, The doctor nods then proceeds to prepare yours.

Once the doctor turns to face you, he was greeted with a sharp glare "Come near me and I will blow your face off."

"Look, Remember how you helped me?"

Nodding quickly still glaring at the doctor, Katsuki adjusted you on his lap bringing his chin down to your shoulder "Remember I said I will do anything to protect you from anyone or anything that will harm my Mochi?"

"You need to get your shot so you can be protected from being sick, I wouldn't have you do anything that will harm you. Alright? Do you trust me?" He whispered, glancing at him for a moment you glared at him making him chuckle "Not counting today."

"Yes.... But it's scary." Whining out gently, "We all have to face scary somethings, but once we do they don't be scary anymore. And a Bakugo always what?"

"Complete Victorious!"

"Okay, she's ready for the shot."

Once the doctor got closer to you, your body tensed up before you suddenly jumped in Katsuki's lap trying to quickly climb out of his lap screaming "I TAKE IT BACK! NO! NO! PAPAAAAAAA!"

"She hit my lip with her big head– Eijiro help me!"


Katsuki glanced to the backseat seeing a sleeping Hirio hugging a sleeping you as he drove, after a few minutes of wrestling you somehow, Hirio was able to be the one who calmed you down by hugging your struggling figure.

Much to his dislike having a boy hug you nonetheless, it surprisingly worked for you to accept the shot.
Of course, you were upset with the two heroes which ended them having to take you and Hirio to the aquarium to make up for it in the end after seeing the creatures, petting stingrays, and buying you yet another large stuffed (F/S/C) you had finally forgiven the two.

Gazing to his side seeing Eijiro who had sharks painted on his face also fast asleep, his cheek resting on the window with drool running down his cheek.

Shaking his head, Katsuki smiled gently continuing to drive as the man went quiet there was small shuffling beside him followed by Eijiro yawning and stretching his arms.

Looking into the backseat he smiled gently then looked at Katsuki, "They seem pretty close like us, Their graduation is approaching too... Next time you know they will be in U.A. you think they will be able to stay close?"

"I wouldn't see why not.. Just not too close."

Eijiro let out a laugh smiling widely at Katsuki, "I think they will be kinda cute together." he teased earning a glare from Katsuki, "I will kick you out of the car while I am driving."
"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!... Maybe." The blonde hero went quiet, Eijiro couldn't help but chuckle but his smile twitched to a curious frown once the car began to slow down and Katsuki pulled to the side of the road. "F-Flat tire?"

The blonde hero rolled his sleeves up then parked the car, "Come on."


"I can't beat the brat for hugging my daughter but I could beat his stupid Dad." Katsuki spat out getting out of the car, Eijiro's eyes widened seeing Katsuki walking to the other side of the car the redhead simply locking the door just when Katsuki grabbed the handle.



𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐭,k.bakugouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang