|Chapter 1| Birthday Suprises! 🥳

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Some backstory, you still live with your mother as it's to expensive for you to get your own apartment, and because you need to help your mother with stuff around the house since your father left when you were young. You still have no fucking clue why though. Anyways, on with they story!


"Happy birthday YN!" You slowly sat up from your bed as your mother and Aria sat at the end of your bed with a box. "What's in the box?" You groggily asked, still waking up from your sleep. Aria passed it over to you, "Open it you dumbass and you'll find out!" You grabbed the box from Aria. It was a small box, maybe the size of an IPad box. Slowly, you ripped it open to find a note on top.
"Hey YN, it's Aria and your mother. We thought you would enjoy a sweet gift with true meaning to it. Not some stupid nick nacks you'll throw out. We love you lots, and hope you have the best birthday ever! Love Aria and your Mama :)" "Aw guys," you say quietly "you didn't have to get me anything!" As you took the note of the top of the box you noticed an envelope. You quickly grabbed it and ripped it open. Inside sat two tickets to the Sam and Colby tour.. For today! "OH MY GOD!!!! Aria! Please tell me these aren't fakes, and are real!" You shouted as you jumped out of bed. Aria giggled quietly, "Yeah, they're real. But there's still more in the box you idiot!" Below the envelope sat a Sam and Colby phone case, with the XPLR logo on it. You immediately took your old phone case off and swapped it for the new one. "Time for a makeover!" Aria shouted and began gathering makeup and different outfits for you to try. For the next five hours it consisted of you and Aria trying on different outfits, and doing a ton of different makeup looks. In the end you found an amazing outfit. (it's your choice)
Once you and Aria had changed, and done your makeup, you ran out the house to get in your car. You and Aria and a quick chat about what you wanted to eat before you headed out. "Hey, Aria. Do you want to get some Taco Bell?" You asked whilst jumping in the car. Aria immediately screamed, "Hell yeah I want Taco Bell! Who do you think I am? A sociopath?"
You both immediately died of laughter, but had to quickly calm down so you could actually drive. Once you guys had arrived at Taco Bell, you ordered (your choice, idk Taco Bell food) and Aria ordered a standard wrap. You guys say down and chatted for a few minutes after you got your food. "So, YN. Do you think Sam and Colby will notice us?" Aria asked, giggling silently.. As she had a plan.. Your faced looked very confused, "What do you mean notice us? Like, ask for our numbers notice us? Or just see us?"
Aria knew exactly what will happen that night..
Arias POV
So, the other night I messaged Colby Brock on instagram, asking if he would be alright with me and YN joining them on their next paranormal investigation. Colby replied an hour later.
A = Aria C = Colby
A - Hey, I know you don't know me. But my best friends birthday is coming up soon, and they're a huge fan of you and Sam. I was wondering if the two of us could join you guys on your next investigation? If not that's alright.
C - Of course! I'd love to meet up before the investigation though? Where are you located?
A - I bought us tickets to your show in LA, so if we could meet up right after that? They'll have to come with me though to meet you.
C - Perfect, that should work. If it's alright with you. I want this to be a surprise for Sam as well. He has been down lately, so I want something exciting for him.
A - Alright, that's cool with me. Here's my number so we can message before the show a bit. ***-***-****
C - Thanks, see you soon.
Back to your POV
Aria pipes up, " Oh, like getting our number type of noticed." She had a sly smirk on her face. I was starting to get worried. "Oh, or maybe take us on their next investigation!" "Aria, that won't happen. We're just some nobody's going to their show tonight." You said, with a small frown on your face. "Oh honey, don't think that.." Aria said, pulling you into a big hug. You began laughing, "Stop treating me like I'm your child,please."
Time Skip to The Show
You and Aria had recently arrived, and were waiting in line so you could head inside. Suddenly, the line started all heading inside. Slowly but surely. Once you and Aria had gotten up to the guard, you handed him your tickets. "VIP section that way." He stated, his face looking bored as ever. "O-oh, thanks." You had no clue you got VIP tickets. "Aria, you got VIP tickets too!" Aria seemed happy, "Yeah, they just mean we're sitting closer to the stage. Now come on!" You and Aria made your way up to your spot. You could see a bit backstage. Aria quickly began typing on her phone.
Aria POV
I opened up my phone 'cause I heard it ding
A = Aria C = Colby
C - Hey, it's Colby. The show is starting soon. Are you guys here?
A - Yeah. We're just up front. We got VIP tickets.
C - Alright, as soon as we're done on stage head to the back. Use these messages as proof so they actually allow you back here.
A - Alright. Thanks Colbs.
Your POV Again
I saw Sam and Colby walk on stage and I started screaming. This was it, I was in the same room as my idols for the past 8 plus years. I've been there since the beginning. From vine to YouTube. From the Traphouse til now...
Ending on a cliff hanger, sorta. Anyways, word count is 1018. (Not including this) Sorry if you don't enjoy the book. Im new to Wattpad, so the story may not have the best writing. I have no clue when I'll update either. I have homeschooling to do for a few hours a day. It all depends on my mood for when I update. Well, see ya spuds! 🥔

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