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So I maybe be doing a thing.... I've decided I am writing a sequel. Since I started writing, I realized that not writing every so often feels weird. The sequels name is gonna be Murder ~Sequel to Redrum Sam Golbach x reader. Nothing to elaborate. It's mostly gonna be about their wedding planning with some drama added. I do need to know though.
A) Post as I write?
B) Write the whole book, then slowly release?
With writing the whole book, you'll probably get chapters more often but it'll take some time for said chapters to be written. Even with that, it'll still be faster then "write, post, write, post..." repeat. It'll mostly be "OH FUCK YEAH. I GOT MOTIVATION SO IM WRITING THE WHOLE THING" and then like a week later it's done. Ok, I'm rambling. I'll stop. Either way, im writing a sequel.. sooooo. Opinion A or B?

Redrum ~ Sam Golbach x readerWhere stories live. Discover now