• chapter eight •

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"We can do Little Women?" Harry asked, sitting in his room at his desk and Louis was sitting in a bright pink beanbag.

"No...disgusting. This is like the third one you've suggested and none of them are good. Pick something else." Louis groaned, they were trying to pick a book for their project and it was becoming difficult because they couldn't agree on a single one.

"I don't hear you making any suggestions either...so don't critique mine." Harry snapped, wanting to get this over with but Louis was making it very difficult for him. "What about pride and prejudice?"

"Fuckkkkk no..." Louis whined, running a hand down his face. "Why do you always have to come up with the most girly shit? Can't you just not do shit like that for once?"

Harry sighed, having his back turned to Louis as he tried not to either burst into tears or yell. "I'm trying to come up with books I've read before, so please, just work with me here" Harry told him, he actually liked to read and those were some books that he'd read and he thought it would be easier to get the assignment done quicker if they picked books he was familiar with already.

"Fine...let's do Little Women then" Louis snapped, rolling his eyes as he was sitting there looking around Harry's room.

"Thank fucking god! You picked one!" Harry praised sarcastically, getting out his homework stuff so that they could actually work now instead of picking out books.

"Could you please stop messing around...I'm trying to get this done and you're making it so fucking difficult. Now please get out of my dance bag! Seriously!" Harry snapped, getting so annoyed because Louis couldn't sit still and was digging around in the bag Harry took to dance.

He'd gone as far as to put his pointe shoes on, wanting to see what they felt like and he thought it was funny. "Don't put those on" Harry sighed, sounding so frustrated with him.

"Whatttt...I just want to know what they feel like. They look uncomfortable as fuck" Louis told him, shoving his foot into one and that really pissed Harry off.

"Stop! You done understand how expensive those are! You think my mother is made of money?" Harry snapped, ripping the shoe off his foot and grabbing the other one.

"Damn! You don't have to be so fucking angry about it! I just wanted to see! You've got such a fucking stick up your ass" Louis told him, watching as he set his pointe shoes on the desk and sitting back down.

"Well I'm trying to do work and you're being an absolute dick about it. Why don't you just go...I'll start the damn project on my own. I'd get it done quicker" Harry muttered frustratedly as he sat down at his desk.

"God I thought you'd never say that! Thanks! See you later!" Louis exclaimed, grabbing his stuff and walking out of the room.

Harry huffed angrily, turning to get to work as he felt so angry. He'd gone to dance after a long day of school and now he was working on the project on his own.

The last couple weeks of this assignment had been hell, Harry was doing majority of the work and was beyond pissed with Louis.

"I just can't do this anymore El, I'm seriously considering just finishing on my own and then just letting him take the credit. I mean he's the epitome of annoying, rude, and just fucking stupid. I can't handle it anymore." Harry groaned, he and Eleanor were walking down the hallway and talking, Harry was very obviously frustrated.

"No Harry you can't do that...then he wins. It's only a week longer, just stick it out okay? Plus I don't think you wanna do all the work with how much dance we have coming up with the new show. So just push through a little longer." Eleanor told him, walking out to Harry's car as it was the end of the day.

"I guess I could do that but god he makes it so fucking hard" Harry groaned, getting into the driver's seat because he always drove Eleanor home.

"Yeah...but you got it" Eleanor smiled, buckling in and looking over at him. "Thanks for driving me home"

"Of course, anytime. How's the baby?" Harry asked, she was a few weeks along in her pregnancy and already had a tiny bump. It was hardly noticeable but she did hide it with a hoodie and baggy clothing.

"It's okay...but umm...could you drive me to my appointment next week? I don't have anyone to take me...considering my parents don't know yet." Eleanor asked, her cheeks turning red as Harry started driving.

"Absolutely I can. I'm kinda excited, I've never done this type of stuff before. I'm excited to have a baby around" Harry chuckled, even though it wasn't the ideal situation he still wanted to keep things in high spirits for Eleanor.

"Yeah...I'm sure it'll be fun" Eleanor smiled as Harry pulled up to her house, she didn't live too far from school so it took no time.

"Alright, well I'll see you tomorrow" Harry smiled as he parked and let Eleanor out. She waved with a smiled and then Harry pulled away to go home.

He sighed softly, he had to go work on this project and see Louis once again.

Louis was already waiting in his driveway and Harry cursed, he hated that Louis was there so quickly. "I thought we said 3:30?" Harry asked as he walked up to let him in.

"Well I thought you'd be here earlier so we could get this over with" Louis muttered as they walked into Harry's house and went up to his room.

"Whatever, let's just get this shit done..." Harry huffed as he took his shoes off and sat at his desk. "You're just a peach aren't you" Louis teased, sitting next to him as Harry tied back his hair and got the homework out.

"I don't wanna hear it today...please let's just get this done" Harry whispered, too tired to keep dealing with Louis' bullshit.

So they got to work.

Hey guys! Another chapter down! Hope you guys enjoyed! Thanks for reading :)

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