"I don't think I can go on any longer."

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tw: mentions of sa, substance and alcohol abuse


Bailey's POV

After about around a few weeks, or I should say a month, things started easing up and the WBA was back in business. So that meant I was out on the road again. Turns out the WBF had folded and the WBA brought some of the contracts of a few fighters from the WBF.

It was a bit of a hectic time for me and with me still being on edge about Hailey back in hospital again, and my ankle getting worse, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. Also doesn't help that some of the fighters who came from the WBF were egotistical as fuck and always tried to start crap with me and the others. It also didn't seem right that we were all back at business as usual considering Brooke passing away at that pay-per-view before the lockdown happened. Her presence in the locker room was missed and I was sure everyone was still feeling the loss.

Our first show back was at the Fleet Center in Boston. I made sure that I was ready and prepared to perform, as I had been working on my strength and conditioning while I was away. At the hotel bar, we were all having a few drinks to blow off some steam when I received a phone call from my dad.

"Hey dad. What's up?"

I heard him sigh, "Hailey's gotten worse. The doctors say that its nothing to worry about, but I'm just not sure."

My whole mood dropped and I wanted to scream, but I managed to keep my composure, "So she still has a chance?" I asked.

"Yeah, but they need to do more tests. I thought I'd ring ya and let you know,"

Eventually he hung up and I went back to the bar to finish my drink before heading up to my room. My ankle was getting worse and I needed something to desperately help it, so I went to Peyton and asked for some painkillers. She gave me a few bottles and I took a few pills and went to bed.


The next few weeks I was getting out of control, my drinking was getting bad and I was popping painkillers left and right. One night however, things went downhill. We were all at the hotel bar in some other hotel since we were in Houston, Texas, for another show. I took a sip of my beer and just a few seconds later I felt extremely tired. I heard laughter as I passed out completely at the bar. Moments later I somewhat regained consciousness, and I saw one of the new fighters, Olivia Web, undress herself before pulling my clothes off.

Suddenly the door was kicked down and in came Lucy, and she instantly knocked Olivia out. She slapped my face and cupped my cheeks, "Bailey, can you hear me?" she asked.

I nodded, still feeling a bit hazy. "What happened?" I asked, my voice barely audible.

"Olivia drugged your drink and was about to take advantage of you before I got here." She answered, her voice stern. "H-bombed your drink or whatever they call it. I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner."

I nodded, still feeling a bit out of it. Lucy helped me up and I put my clothes back on. She quickly escorted me back to my room and told me to stay there and not to worry. I thanked her and she left, closing the door behind her.

I sat on the bed, still feeling a bit out of it and I just started crying, feeling violated and embarrassed. I was so glad that Lucy got here in time before something bad could happen to me. I grabbed my phone and called Kelley, I needed her more than ever.

Kelley was so understanding and she told me that I was safe and that I should go tell Vince what happened. I shook my head, not wanting to do it but Kelley said it was the right thing to do. I knew she was right, so I went to Vince's room and knocked on the door. He answered it and saw me, "What can I do for you, Bailey?"

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