Single And Ready To Mingle

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"Robin?" i turned to face them "look, i'm sorry for turning up here unannounced but i really just needed to see you" they said coming closer to me "why?" i asked crossing my arms over my chest "can we please just go up to your room and talk?" they asked "fine" i rolled my eyes and walked to the elevator, we stud in complete silence until we got to my room and and sat on the sofa to talk "why are you here robin ?" i asked sitting opposite them "i had to Blake, i know what i did was wrong and hurtful and it broke the rules, but seeing you with Billie is breaking my heart, it's everywhere i go, everyone is asking me about it and my feelings and i cannot get it out of my head" they answer stressing "okay" i replied moody "i need you back, i need all of this to go away" they responded to me "i came here to talk to you, and tell you how i felt, over the phone wouldn't work and in a weeks time was probably too late, i booked a flight here and a flight home which i have to leave for in an hour, i just wanted you to hear me out" they added "i don't know why you're sad robin, you broke our rules and cheated, it's cheating to me, i'm not with Billie but i am so happy having her back in my life, you don't understand how much happier i have been since i got here, i'm ready to move here and start a new life here, without you and you need to do the same, my name will probably be all you hear about for a while, but so is yours to me, all the questions i get asked "how do i feel about being cheated on?, is this because of Billie? will you be seeing them when you go back home?" i hope it's something that will pass, but Robin you are never getting me back and you should go" i finish my sentence and walk over to my door and hold it open, the follow behind me and stop at the door for a second " i guess i'll get my stuff from your house next week" they answered looking down "i'll text you" i replied before shutting the door. i walked back over to my bed and through myself on to for a sold 5 seconds until someone aggressively banged on my door, i sighed to myself before standing up and opening it "your back!" Arden smiled as he let him self in "i am" i replied following him into my room "when did you get back?" he asked sitting on the sofa "i know you know they were here just get to the point" i rolled my eyes sitting on the bed "why did they come here?" he asked dropping the facade "to get me back? talk shit about billie? i honestly don't know" i shrugged placing a pillow on my lap "that's weird" he answered confused "they've gone now, and i'm glad" i huffed laying down "good" he smiled laying on his belly next to me "plans for today?" i asked him "we are meeting dad at 12 for dinner" he replied excitedly "oh my god yes! when are we going house hunting?" i asked sitting up to face him "hopefully tomorrow, he said he'll make calls in the morning and let us know at dinner" he grabbed my hands in excitement "how's Owen dealing with this? is he excited? happy?" i asked "extremely, he can't wait, to start a new life over here" he blushed "you guys are so cringe" i sighed pulling my face "just because i have a relationship" he rolled his eyes "oh shit i am single" i replied shocked "you just realized?" he asked "what the fuck am i doing here then? i should be slutting it up in some club?" i asked frantically "shut up" he laughed standing up and walking to my mirror "oh no lease we have to go out out" i grabbed his hand and pulled it towards me "why's that?" he asked rolling his eyes "because i am a single FREE lady, i should be getting drinks bought for me left right and center by now" i dropped his hands in a protest "fine, then tonight we go clubbing" he raised his hands "yay!" i exclaimed "on one condition" he held his pointer finger out "anything! you name it!" i sat up and re-positioned myself to hear him better "you bring billie" he answered before turning around and facing the mirror again "Billie? why?" i asked in confusion "because, Billie is smart and i am not the only one watching you all night, you're too much when you're drunk" he glared at me from the corner of his eye "am not" i protested "we will see shall we" he turned to face me again "anyways i am going to some boutique want to join me?" he asked grabbing his bag "no thanks, i'll probably stay here and getting ready for dinner" i replied "okay love you" he shouted walking towards the door "love you bye!" i shouted before he left.


I sat and chilled for awhile, on my phone and doing some self care while i had free time when i noticed a notification come through from twitter about a new tea news post "Blake emerald seen getting dropped off by Billie Eilish this morning which could of been a busy night from a tiktok which was posted by Eilish last night! as Billie drove a way we noticed Blake had gotten into an elevator in her hotel with her ex who is still unnamed! so is this a love triangle? is blake really single? and should we be getting ready for Billies coming out party? let us know what you think!" i think you should get off my dick, personally. I ring billie since i know she would off seen something about this little surprise so it's only right to fill her in, i dial her number and she answers after a few rings "hello?" she answered seeming busy "hey, it's me i just wanted to see if you seen the new paparazzi news today?" i asked "yeah, Robin came to see you huh?" she asked "yup, they left after less than probably ten minutes but of course they kept that out" i laughed awkwardly "what did they say?" she asked seeking interested "the basic, i'm sorry for cheating on you! i love you! i'll never do it again bullshit" i laughed "so are they gone?" she asked "i hope so, they said they had another flight booked home today, so i'll pray they left" i answered "good" the answered bluntly "anyways, me and Arden have decided to go clubbing tonight, we were hoping you might want to join us?" i asked "urm no i'll probably pass" she answered "oh, okay" i answered shocked "well, just let me know if your mind changes" "i will do, i have to go, bye" she replied blunt y before ending the phone, oh, okay then. i put my phone on the bed and realize i should probably be getting ready, i find a cute black mini skirt and a green knitted jumper and pair it with my naked wolf boots and my Prada bag and finish doing my makeup while i waited for Arden, it got to 12 and he rang my phone saying him and dad were downstairs and i should come down, i grabbed my phone and bag and headed down stairs.

"dad!" i shouted in excitement as the elevator doors opened "hello baby girl" he said wrapping his arms around me "our cars here" Arden said and we followed him out "how are you?" i asked "i'm good! hey i wanted to say sorry for the other day at the gym, that was wrong of me i shouldn't of intruded into your life" he said as we were walking out "no, it's fine dad, but you could of just said you wanted me here! you didn't have to go around my back and try and give me a reason to stay!" i said as i got into the car "i know i know, i'm sorry" he apologised again "all is forgiven, now about moving? how's it looking?" i asked out of excitement as the car started to move "okay so tomorrow we have two houses to view! we will have more but i'm afraid you guys might have to come up for another week to view them, rather than finding a house now and then moving in the next you guys come" he said with a sad look "well i hope one of these houses are perfect" Arden smiled "me too! we will be going around three tomorrow so i was hoping after it yous both might like to round to my house and we could order take out like the old times" he smiled "i would love to dad! that would be great" i smiled "great" he said excitedly. We arrive at the restaurant and take out seats, looking through the menu for what to eat i noticed our dad seems a little nervous "dad? are you okay?" i asked as i grabbed his hand softly "i, i'm okay i guess i have, something to tell you guys so why not get it over with now shall we?" he said moving her collar around and his shirt "go on" Arden replied moving his menu out of the way "well, i have a girlfriend" dad blushed "you do?" i asked excited "i do, her name is Amanda and i met her at a festival i helped billie at, she was working the venue and she is amazing and so fun!" he blushed again "awe that's great dad when can we meet her?" Arden asked "tomorrow? if you'd like she has been dying to meet you both!" he exclaimed "then we will meet Amanda tomorrow!" i smiled "she's 46, i know she's younger-" "that's four years dad, you're fine we are happy for you" Arden cut him off "i'm so thank full for you guys! i was so nervous" he replied pulling us in for a hug, "dad we love you! and would never judge you!" i said as i hugged him tighter "can i take your order?" a waiter asked as they approached us "of course" my dad replied smiling. we ordered, ate a bunch, talked shit, and now we are on our way back to the hotel, dad is dropping us off and we are seeing him tomorrow touring the houses, and oh my god i can't wait i'm actually going to be living in america! how weird?

"what are you wearing tonight?" Arden asked as he jumped onto my nice neat made bed "i don't know" i shrugged sitting next to him "i don't want to look too much" he pulled his face "what do you mean?" i asked confused "like i'm trying too hard you know?" he replied facing me "okay so like jeans then?" i asked sitting closer "no, not jeans" he pulled his face again "okay you go deal with that problem, i'll deal with mine" i said standing up and signalling for him to leave my room "rude- oh did you ask Billie?" he asked standing up "i did and she said she was busy, so it is just you taking care of me tonight" i smiled playfully as i patted his shoulder "ugh" he rolled his eyes and turned to walk to the door "be ready by seven! and eat!" i shouted as he left the room, cool so it's just after four now so i have time to chill and get ready, lovely! i think to my self as i sit on my bed. 

I'm not going to lie, i did just spend over an hour scrolling through Tiktoks, and i have to admit, i was watching fan edits of me and Billie, moments i didn't realize the way she was looking at me, or her protecting me at times i didn't know i was in danger, or even us just smiling at each other and not having a clue of how much we were in love with each other, i even saw interview clips were she was talking about me and i never even knew it, everyone but me knew how much she loved me, damn. I check the time and realize it's 5:45 and had over an hour to get ready and i still have no idea what to wear, but i want it to say single and ready to mingle, of course. I look through my clothes and honestly at this moment in time i am so glad i pack for every occasion, however the only dress i did bring was a green satin slip dress but it is probably one of my slut dresses so perfect. i do my makeup and added a smokey liner vibe to it, and styled my hair like a blow out, and finally got dressed, just as i was finished Arden knocked on my door. 



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AN: i am so sorry i haven't updated, i've been ill lol, ill either post the next chapter in like 2 hours or tmr!!! luv u <3333

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