The Cost Of Dawn

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On pure instinct, Akali had thrown her body over Kai’Sa when the earthquakes started. They’d been like that for some time, exposed under the rain of magic and stars, and Akali marveled that they were still alive. She wondered how long they could survive. Maybe longer than she thought, as both the Star Guardians and...whatever Xayah and Rakan were, leapt into action.

Rakan: Looks like she didn’t like our little chat.

Akali had to agree. The liquid that had been oozing slowly from the newly formed fissures now fell upward, drawn to Zoe by sheer gravity. In fact, much of the city seemed caught in her orbit, broken star fragments and pieces of buildings slowly moving toward her like a receding tide. Akali didn’t know what it meant, but she knew it was bad. Really, really bad.

Rakan jumped nimbly over a fallen tree that flew at him just as Xayah took out the cluster of paddle stars above. You used a Warhammer to crush an incoming boulder before rushing over.

The park afforded almost no cover, so Akali had to improvise. Whether intentional or not, the guardians had cleared a sort of path toward the jungle gym. It was close to where Zoe loomed, but at least no stars fell there. Akali pulled Kai’Sa along, dodging the bubbling color that now rained in reverse. She didn’t want to think about what would happen if that liquid touched her.

As they sprinted underneath the structure, Akali saw that the falling stars beyond the trees had started cracking like stone eggs, unleashing ominous clouds of black butterflies. The insects amassed in a huge, surging swarm, aiming for where Sarah, Ahri, you, and Neeko stood opposite Xayah and Rakan mere feet away.

Ahri: Look after the kids!

Ahri yelled to Sarah as she flung an orb of flame at a cluster of butterflies.

Rakan: Yeah, get outta here! Also, wait... why are these things attacking us?!

Xayah: I don’t think Zoe can see us down here.

Ahri: Or she doesn’t care about you.

Xayah: You’re literally the last person to talk right now. Rakan, don’t let those things touch you!

Rakan: Uhh, why not?

Y/N: Do you really want to find out?

Rakan: Excellent point.

He dodged another butterfly, then fired a feather at a cluster of them. Each one he struck broke apart...into more butterflies!

Rakan: I swear that wasn’t on purpose!

Kai’Sa watched as the six of you were overwhelmed, butterflies pushing in from all sides, but Akali kept glancing up at where Zoe raged so close by. Akali could feel the pull as Zoe continued to suck in the destruction around her. She held onto Kai’Sa tightly. Akali saw dots of light flitting about Zoe’s face—the other guardians. How do they do it? Keep fighting, even now?

Kai’Sa placed her hand atop Akali’s and squeezed.

Kai'Sa: It’s gonna be okay.

She must sound hysterical, but—

Akali: None of this is okay, Kai’Sa. People died. People are still going to die. I mean, look at them!

Akali pointed to the butterflies. Sarah could barely hold up her pistol as the one with the lizard tail, Neeko, tried to shield her.

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