Part 10: Please don't hurt me

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"Ugh, how hard can it be to catch a ball?!" Harry yelled feeling so annoyed.

"Than pass it better!" Dre yelled.

You sighed and pass the ball to Harry. Harry passed the ball towards Dre. When the ball hit his feet he looked at Harry, more like glared and started chasing him.

"Hey," Wu Ping said as you turned around.

"Oh hey," you said.

"So what are you doing?" Wu Ping asked as you two sat on the bench.

"We were playing football," you said and laughed at them.

"Wow, you must be a good player than," He said and smirked.

"Yeah," you said.

Wu Ping look at your hair making you confused.

"Wait, you have something in your hair," he said and held that something with his hands.

You blushed and cover your face fast. Than you noticed Cheng and his friends who were looking at you.

"Oh, okay, I should go now," you said and stood up.

"Okey, see you tomorrow y/n," he said and smiled.

"Let's go," you said to Dre.

"But why?" Dre asked confused.

"I'll explain later," you said and he nodded.

Dre greteed Harry and went towards you. You were walking on one street. There was silence for a moment but than you turned around and saw Cheng and his friends. They started running towards you. Dre noticed it and looked at you.

"Run! Fast!" You yelled and started running with Dre.

After few minutes of running you got in one yard and closed the door. But then after few seconds Liang kicked the door with his leg. They all entered and started walking towards you and Dre.

"What are you doing?" Dre asked scared.

"Nothing, just giving you a lesson," Liang said and made a position to punch you.

Cheng put his hand on Liang's shoulder showing him with his eyes to fight Dre. His friends started attacking Dre while you were running away from Cheng. Now, you were in different yard. You turned back to leave but he pushed you a side.

"What a-are you doing?" You asked scared.

"What were you doing with him?!" Cheng yelled and started fighting you.

"What's wrong with him that you hate him that much huh!?" You yelled and pushed him away from you.

"You just don't get it y/n! He's not what you think he is!" He yelled and held your shoulders tight.

You looked at his hands and than at him. You put your hands on his chest wanting to push him away from you.

"Let me go!" You yelled trying to get out of his grip.

After few seconds of struggling you accidentaly fall on the floor. He was looking at you with anger. He lifted his hand like he was about to punch you so you put your arms over your head to defend yourself.

You didn't feel anything. Cheng lower his hand and looked at you feeling guilty. Few seconds pass by and you lower your hands and looked at him.

''Y/n..'' he began as you stood up.

''Y/n, I-I'm so sorry, p-please don't think I w-wanted to punch you,'' Cheng said with sad expression.

He got shocked when he saw your crying face.

''It's o-okay,'' you said.

''No, it's not. I--Can I hug you, please?'' Cheng asked.

You nodded not knowing what to say. He hugged your waist with his hands. You hugged back placing your hands on his shoulders. After few seconds of silence you pulled back. He wiped tears from your face with his palm and looked down.

''I'm s-sorry, I-I should go,'' he said and turned around.

You were watching him with sad expression even tho he hurt you. You also didn't want to see him hurt this much.

Karate Kid - Cheng x male reader ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now