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We went to Steve's house first, where he took a shower and packed a bag of clothes to bring over. He even grabbed an extra set of keys to his car since the Russians took his other set. We headed back to the mall so Steve could get his car, and then I rode with him back to the trailer.

I took a long, hot shower of my own and brushed my teeth once I got home. By the time I got out, Steve had been set up on the couch, but I told him I wasn't going to let him sleep alone. So we set up some blankets and pillows on the ground and we slept on the living room floor of the trailer.

"Your Uncle Wayne is pretty cool," Steve said as we laid down and got comfortable.

"Yeah, he is," I agreed. "How are you doing? No headache or anything?"

"Nah, not right now," he said, shaking his head.

Steve laid his head onto my chest, his black eye facing the ceiling so he wasn't lying on it. I began stroking his hair, comforting him. After a moment, he said, "Robin is going to be so jealous that we get to have sleepovers the next few days."

I chuckled, "Yeah, she definitely is."

Steve yawned, "Goodnight, Baby Girl."

I smiled to myself, my face red hot. I was blushing right now. Butterflies filled my stomach. "Goodnight," I told him.

He lifted his head up for a moment to kiss me on the lips. Our very first kiss. I felt so...happy. I realize now how lucky I am to have someone like Steve in my life. I was so, so lucky.

I figured Steve felt the same way about sleeping alone as I did since he wouldn't let go of me all night. Even in a dead sleep, he wouldn't allow me to leave him with his arms locked around me. I fell asleep listening to the sound of his breathing and his soft snores. It was great white noise for me to fall asleep to.

Steve stayed with us for three days. His parents never bothered to call to find out how their son was, they probably didn't even know what happened at the mall yet. When he did go home, it was hard to sleep alone, but it was nice to sleep in a bed again.

Eddie was obviously depressed about Billy. He didn't want to go to the funeral, but Steve and I went so we could be there for Max. All of her friends were here as well, showing their support. Even Erica came. I saw Eddie standing by a tree by himself after the service had concluded. He was waiting for everyone to leave so he could say goodbye to Billy alone.

I approached him, and I asked him, "You want me to stay with you?"

He shakes his head no. "Nah, you go on. I will be okay."

I don't believe him. "You sure?"

"Yeah," he assures me, "I want to say goodbye alone."

I nod, "Okay, I understand that."

"Yeah," he nods, and then he rubs his eyes like he had a headache or something, "Um, you and Harrington make a cute couple. As much as I don't like him, you seem happy."

"I am," I tell him, and I nod, "I'm sorry that as soon as I became happy your happiness was taken from you."

"You're so dramatic," he teased. I chuckled.

"I mean it though."

"I know," He says, a slight smile on his lips. "Now, don't draw too much attention to me. I don't want Mr. Hargrove seeing me. Last time he almost punched me in the face."

"He walked in on you two, didn't he?"

"Yeah," He admits, "It didn't end very well."

"I bet," I say, "Okay, I'll head back to the others."

Brave Like You (Steve Harrington)Where stories live. Discover now