Five - Cry for an Eye.

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"Laenora you must wake up! Somebody has taken Vhagar!"


In a spur of daze Laenora Velaryon sat up swiftly beneath the sheets of her featherbed, witnessing the terrified eyes of her younger brothers and the vengeful ones of her small cousins. She swung her feet over the edge, rubbing her eyes with tiredness.

"Whatever's the matter?"

"Someone has taken Vhagar!"


"Yes you must come quickly!" Rhaena clutched her hand, giving the Princess no choice but to go.

"It has to be Aemond!" She realised, "I told him to keep away! I-"

"Laenora quickly!"

"Go ahead! I will get Aegon, we may need him."

"Aegon? Why?" Jace glowered, trying his hardest to pull his sibling with him.

"He may be able to subdue his brother."

And with those words uttered she split herself from brother's touch and ran barefoot down the forgotten halls, she ran as fast as her feet could carry her until they carried her all the way to Aegon's door. Thankfully so for her it had been left unmanned and so she barged inside without a morsel of regret.

The older boy lay sprawled out across his bed, drunkenly snoring his woes away, he was hardly clothed and his sheets did well to cover what was left to be gazed upon. Quickly Laenora seized his shoulders, shaking him awake ever so frantically as she heard Vhagar's call bellow across the sky.

"Aegon! Wake up! Please!"

"Niece if you desired to see me you merely need ask nicely." He joked, still drunk, taking her hand in an attempt to coax her into his bed.

"Aegon now is not the time for jokes!"

"I liked you much better earlier." He groaned.

"Aemond has stolen Vhagar! I need you Aegon, get up!"

Before the young Prince had a chance to reject he was stolen by the hand of his niece and whisked away in the direction of the dragon pit, barely allowing him time to dress or to even put on shoes, the way she had not. She would never fail to amuse him, even in a dire situation.


"Jacerys! I'm coming!"

The walls of the dragon pit felt darker than ever as Laenora and Aegon dashed through the tunnels in desperation to find their younger siblings. Aegon had barely even noticed the way the pair were still clutching hands, nor had he noticed the tears on his niece's cheeks at the thought of her brothers in danger. Somehow he failed to notice very few things about her.

"You will die screaming in flames just as your father did, bastards."

"My father is still alive!"

"Aemond let him go!" Laenora's voice echoed off the walls as she stumbled upon the sight of Aemond holding a rock above Lucerys's small skull, ready to strike at any given second.

"And what will you do of it?" He hissed

The Velaryon girl took a very sudden lunge towards her uncle, ready to throttle the breath from his lungs and engage an ache in his throat, but just as her fingertips brushed his neck she felt herself be torn backwards, an arm holding both of her own and another wrapped around her throat.

"Let me go." She cried out, desperate to rescue her baby brother. "I have to help him!"

"I'm sorry dear niece." Aegon mumbled into her shoulder, "I have to protect my blood."

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