38. Back To You

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Bianca POV  CHLA , 12:00pm

A week later...

Blake & I talk once in a while ,  He brought me lunch yesterday & we talked for a bit until he had to leave to the practice facility . Blake came with me to Jose's birthday party on Friday , we didnt want our parents to know what was going on so I wore the engagement ring & until now I still have it on .

"So you & Blake are getting back in place huh?" Melanie asks while her little sister was getting a check up

"Yeah , we're getting there , he's done a lot for me lately & I think I'm ready to go home to him" I say smiling up at her

"That's great!" She says standing up

"Bianca you have boyfriend?" Her 10 year old sister asks

"Yeah Stephanie , we're actually getting married" I say showing her my ring

"Its pretty" she says touching my ring

"Thank you Steph , well you're ready to go"
"Thank you Bianca" she says as I give her a lollipop

"Bianca , I'll text you later , bye" Melanie says walking out of the room
5:00pm, Kassandra's Condo

"Bianca guess what?"


"DJ wants me to move in with him" she says with a big smile

Its nice to see her happy

"That's great , when are you moving all your stuff?"

"Well I'll probably start packing tomorrow"

"Hmm I'll help you"

"Wait , how are you & Blake? I'm sorry I forgot , I can call DJ.." She says pulling out her iPhone

"No No , I'm ready to go back home"

"Really! Aww that's awesome"

"Yeah, I really miss him"

"Let's go get your stuff" 

"I feel like your rushing me out" I say with a laugh

"Of course not , I'm just happy for you two"
"Well he doesn't know I'm going back , I wanna surprise him"

"Okay let's go surprise him"

"Okay I'm ready" I say grabbing my purse & suitcase
Blake POV , B&B House

"So you asked Kassandra to move in with you already?"

"Yeah , I really like her"

"I'm happy for you bro" I say smiling at DJ

"Thanks man , how are you & Bianca?"

I was about to answer but heard someone knock on my front door...

"Hi Blake!" It was Jasmin

"Leave!" I slam the door in her face

"Who was it?" DJ says coming to me

Knock Knock

"I said Lea... Hi"

"Hey Blake" It was my princess

"Hey , what's up"

"I um .." She doesn't finish her sentence & kisses me on the lips

Ohh how I missed her lips..

"I missed you too beautiful" I say looking at her

"I missed you too Baby , can I come back home?"

"Yes princess!" I say picking her up & bringing her into OUR home...

Finally my princess came back to where she belongs

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