Season 4 Chapter 66 Gale Wind's News

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No one's POV

Let's take a look a day after Bell and the others had just head towards their first expedition. On the thirtieth floor of Babel, the titanic structure at the center of Orario, an abnormal din filled the halls. A Denatus was under way. Deities young and old, male and female, were attending the so-called advisory council, which was about to begin. All of them had too much time on their hands.

God 1: It's been a while since the last Denatus, hasn't it?

Goddess 1: That's because right when it was time to hold one, Ikelos Familia went and caused all that trouble.

God 2: Who could possibly host a Denatus in the middle of such a racket?

The meetings were supposed to take place every three months, but due to events surrounding the Xenos, the latest one had been postponed. Now, after repeated delays, the deities were chatting excitedly as they gathered in the large hall. Some were even stretching in preparation, though there was no reason for it whatsoever.

Hestia(mind): Astrea didn't come because she said she didn't want to stand out yet. And Hermes isn't here...Well, maybe that's for the best. If I saw him again so soon after his visit, I might drop-kick him again!

Hestia was sitting at an enormous table that could seat fifty. She craned her neck around. She still hadn't forgiven Hermes for what he'd done, and just thinking about it got her worked up. She scanned the faces in the hall. Loki, Freya, Miach, Hephaestus, Takemikazuchi, and Ganesha were all present...Aside from Apollo and Ishtar, who had been banished and sent away, the crowd was almost identical to the one at the last meeting. But a lot had happened in those three months, including the conflicts between her familia and those belonging to Apollo and Ishtar. Hestia couldn't help thinking back on the dizzying swirl of events and reflecting on the richness of time in the mortal plane.

Ganesha: I am Ganesha!! More importantly, I am the facilitator of this meeting!

God 1: No way!

God 2: Ugh, if Ganesha is moderator, I'm going home...

Goddess: Wait, wait, don't be hasty!

Ganesha: All righty then! I, Ganesha, will recount the recent events in the city!

The god in the elephant mask energetically got the meeting started. First came the regular briefing, where information about the city and other locations was exchanged. But despite Ganesha's enthusiasm, the briefing ended almost before it had started.

Ganesha: Any questions? Speak up—I'm happy to answer any questions you have!

Ganesha prodded. The attendees, however, seemed to want nothing more than to get things over in a hurry. This was depressing to Ganesha, who had devoted himself day and night to maintaining the peace in Orario.

Hestia(mind): He's not going to mention the Xenos, is he...?

Hestia felt slightly apprehensive about the topic, but it seemed that Ganesha wanted to hold his tongue, too.

Ganesha: Okay, let's move on to the Naming Ceremony, then...

Ganesha announced spiritlessly. The instant he did, the mood in the room transformed. The deities were suddenly full of life and exploding with excitement.

God 1: Yes, finally!

God 2: This is what I was waiting for!

God 3: It's the only reason I showed up today!

Everyone grabbed copies of the Guild documents that were being passed around the table and eagerly began flipping through them. The last page was what caught the attention of many in the group. That's where they found the information about the white-haired human, hurriedly updated at the last minute by Guild staff, just like it had been at the last Denatus. The Little Rookie, Bell Cranel.

The Flash (Danmachi x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora