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The quick lesson went how I thought it would, which was quick and easy. There wasn't much difference between a lot of our customs and the customs in the Galactic Union. With the exception of the grog but that was quickly explained and heavily emphasized on what not to do. After that, when I had a quick breather, I asked Bianca while I dragged her to the back of the ship away from the others if she had a number I could reach my family at. I had been so run off my feet I hadn't really had much time to think and I never wanted to ask while in the military base because I honestly didn't know who was listening and didn't exactly trust everyone.

I had actually flustered her because she said she had completely forgotten to give it to me when I arrived back to earth and handed me the numbers I could call, letting me know that the other partners at the firm were with each group of my family, just as their representation to ensure that their rights were being followed. Not that she was worried but she said just in case. I thanked her profusely and I just hadn't felt comfortable asking while surrounded by the military. She said she understood and I tucked the piece of paper away before we rejoined the others at the front of the ship. There had been a few questions from Hollister but Bianca just said it was a confidential talk between her and her client and to drop it. To my surprise, he did.

Now I was sitting in my chair, sending out a call to the Torin Council. Bianca was bouncing on the balls of her feet, looking so much like a kid on Christmas morning it was actually kind of adorable. The Commander wasn't giving much away from his stoic demeanour but I liked to think he was excited. I didn't know anyone who wouldn't be excited. I liked to think if they weren't, they were faking it.

The pings sounded again and again and then there were four screens as the Council picked up. "Hey guys." I smiled and glanced at Gal'rug. He had a dark bruise around his left eye and his lip was clearly split but he looked relaxed and happy. "Feel better?" I stared at him pointedly and he nodded. "Good." I was thankful he had gotten it out of his system. "Alright. I'm going to be introducing you to Vice-Admiral Hollister of the Royal Canadian Navy, and Bianca Hathaway, my legal lead."

"We look forward to it." Mare-aidee genuinely looked excited at the prospect and I nodded. I got out of the pilot's chair and gestured at Hollister to sit down and then gestured to the folding chair I had set up beside it that would also be in view, for Bianca to sit down. I stepped back as both took their seats. "We are pleased to meet you both." Mare's voice was soft and warm and Bianca's eyes went wide and she beamed.

"You are way prettier than your photos!" She fairly gushed, nearly having stars in her eyes and Mare's cheeks darkened slightly.

"Thank you, it is a lovely compliment. You are pretty yourself, I like the silver you have woven in your hair." She looked pleased with herself and I glanced at my lawyer and the grey hairs she had.

Bianca looked a bit struck by the comment but she smiled wide. "Thank you! I think it makes me look distinguished."

"Ha! It does!" Gal'rug called it out and I watched as he turned his attention to the Commander. "You! You are weapons expert, yes?" He pointed at him and I watched as the Vice-Admiral looked thrown.

"Well- I, I think in some ways, yes." His expression was confused and he was trying to hard to be professional.

"Good. That's is good. You would have fun in the arena!" At the words the others quickly started speaking all at once, trying to tell Gal'rug to shush it about the arena and that they were very sorry to the Vice-Admiral for his outburst. Bianca looked thrilled and Hollister looked like he didn't know what to do with himself.

I flicked my gaze to Hudson, who was staring at the screen, before slowly backing away and then slipping into my small bedroom. I swallowed hard as I crawled onto the narrow bed and sat down, my back against the metal wall. I pulled out my phone and the piece of paper with the phone numbers on it. I dialed the first one, anxiety churning my stomach as I listened to it ring.

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