Me and Billy have cereal for breakfast. We hear dad walking back from his bedroom. he has his black boots light gray jeans a band tee on. and a leather jacket his hair in a bun with his rings and bracelets on and his favorite necklace on. "I can tell it runs in the family" Billy says "yep" i say back "ready kids" dad asks. "Yep" i say back "yes" billy says. me and Billy run across the road and head to the back of the house where his window is. Dad knocks on the front door we hear Billy's dad answer the door "go time" i say Billy opens his window and crawls in and i follow behind him. I look around as he grabs his clothes and some other stuff he will need. we hear the front door close. We crawl back out the window and Billy closes it. We run back to my house "that was crazy" Billy says i laugh. A few hours pass and Billy's getting ready in the bathroom and I'm getting ready in my room. i put on my black boots my light gray jeans the same shirt i was wearing. I grab my denim jacket and put it on. i remember to put on my sunglasses. i put on my rings and my necklace ash gave me before she died. I grab my cigarettes and lighter from my dresser and put them in my pocket and i put my gum in my other pocket. I hear Billy knock on my door "come in!" i yell Billy comes in and he looks at me "hot" billy says "Same for you" i say back. I walk up to him and warp my arm around his neck. He warps his arms around my waist. "You ready to see a shit show" billy asks "you bet, let's get going" i say back. We go downstairs avoiding dad then go outside. We sneak in his car when we made it out the driveway he turned the music full blast and put the windows down. We both lit a cigarette. About 20 minutes later we made it to the party it was all ready dark out. We walk in and i see the kitchen "if you need me I'll be in the kitchen getting drunk" i say "ok be careful if you need me come find me" billy says before heading off with his friends. I drink 2 beers and grab another and walk around the house. i see a lot of people passed out everywhere people making out. I made it to the dance floor which it looked like a bunch of middle schoolers trying to dance. I feel someone grab my waist i look to see Billy "having fun" billy asks. I could tell billy was drunk by the way he was slurring his words "yes" i say back. we head back to the kitchen. I'm sitting on the counter and Billy's standing beside me. "How many of those have you had" Billy asks "3" i say back "I'll be right back don't go to far" billy says i nod. Billy walks off and a guy walks up to me. "Aw did billy leave his girlfriend for some random bitch" Steve says "I'm not his girlfriend and How about you shut the fuck up" i say back" it's Steve Harrington the true king of Hawkins" Steve says. i hop off the counter "how about fuck off" i say "how about you come home with me baby girl" steve says "you call me that again I'll punch you" i say back. Billy makes his way back. "Your a girl what are you going to do" Steve says "this" i say as i punch him in the face. Everyone looks at me and Sees Steve on the ground. Billy made his way back to the kitchen he stops when he sees Steve on the ground with a bloody nose. "The fuck happed" Billy asks "he wanted to fuck with me so i punched him" i say back. We hear police sirens "shit we need to go" i say grabbing ahold of Billy's hand. Everyone starts running to their cars. We make it to Billy's car "your going to have to drive" Billy says. he hands me his keys "just know if you wreck my car i will fucking kill you" Billy says "i know fucker" i say back pulling out of the driveway. I start driving home. I step on the gas pedal as hard as i can "how the fuck do you know this car can go that fast" Billy asks "because my dad owned one before he sold it" i say back. I see my house in the distance so i start to slow down. I pull into the driveway. "Your staying over" i say "ok" Billy says. I help billy into the house trying to be quiet. We make it inside and head upstairs into my room. "Where am i sleeping" Billy asks "my bed with me" i say back Billy smiles. We get changed i make sure to put my cigarettes back in my dresser and put my necklace back in it's box. "glam" Billy says "yes" i say back. Billy started to sober up "can i ask you something" billy asks "sure" i say back "will you be my girlfriend" billy asks I smile "sure" i say back I walk over to my bed where Billy's sitting i stand in between Billy's legs. He grabs my waist and looks up at me. I cup his face and kiss his lips for the first time. It was the best thing ever. We separate "we should probably get to bed" i say. We lay down and billy wraps his arm around me and puts his head on my chest. It was 4:56 am and billy was asleep within seconds. I lay there questioning what just happened. I finally get my mind to stop and fall asleep.

Town fuckup
FanfictionBilly Hargrove x Character After moving to Hawkins from California as a kid with your dad to get away from the past, a new family moves in across the road, you figured the family's son would be like every other guy in town, you get to know each oth...