limits of power

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Goku POV crap what u do now  oh I know what u doing  karrot I ate the dragon ball  I can't believe am saying this but have to fuse again I thought I changed my mind  okay I can't let this happen again omaga thought   ahhh crap  he won't let his fuse again we try to hold him off again no u ki is drooping by the second take your rest damnit it doesn't matter how much we try to fuse it not letting us this getting on my nerves Vegeta shouted I get it after image it should distract him long enough  let's do no u don't wait a minute fusion ahhh  hahaha come on one time carp well it looks like  u outta ticks  I don't have enough power to defend this we  doomed  ahhh hold up karrot vegta  what happened the transfrom can't handle it my child body can't take all that power  we have to find a way to destroy him for good ahhh what is it there a dragon ball in your forehead get it out don't  what's going on here I have no idea before that oh no that going to destroy the earth  what are going to do die I can't watch huh  how did u do that  I turn your native engery to positive energy  it's time to die  shhhh what he he doing big bang kamhamma  give them energy now Gohan shouted  huh damnit the  fusion  u okay what happened looks the fusion run out before we finish him

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