Seth's P.O.V
I was now on my way to deans house. I can't help but feel nervous.
We pulled up to his house and I slowly started to get out of my car. I get my book bag out of the car, I walk over to where dean was unlocking the door.
We walk in and I place my book bag down next to the door, and plopped down on the couch, he sat down next me. He turned the T.V to Monday night Raw
"This okay?" He asked
"Yeah haven't watched this weeks raw yet" I said, I didn't know he watched wrestling
"You watch wrestling?" I questioned
"Yeah never miss a show" he replied smiling
"Cool me neither" I said.
After watching raw for a little bit I could feel my self falling asleep I tried to stay awake, but it didn't work I could feel my eye lids getting heavier and heavier soon falling asleep.
Dean's P.O.V
It's been been an hour since Seth fell asleep and I brought him up to my room and I still haven't fallen asleep.
I'm just staring at the sleeping Seth, he looked so cute sleeping, I lean over and kiss his forehead, he wakes up and rubs his eyes then sits up "w-where am I" he asked sleepily looking over at me
" your I'm my room, go back to sleep" I said and laid back down and fell asleep.
Seth's P.O.V
I woke up startled my my dream, I must have shaken the bed a little when I sat up, because dean woke up "you okay?" he asked sounding tired "yeah, I guess, just startled my dream" I say. Soon after falling back asleep.
I woke up to see dean had already gotten up. I look at the clock, it's 8:26am and school starts at 9:15.
I get up and go downstairs and see Dean sitting at the table, drinking coffee and having toast.
"Morning" he said smiling " Morning" I reply " where's your bathroom?" I asked "upstairs to the left you'll see it" he said "okay thanks" I say.
I go upstairs to the bathroom and remember that I need a change of clothes, I don't know if I should ask dean for clothes or just go to school in these clothes again.
I walk downstairs to ask dean to borrow clothes, I don't want to but I'd rather that than wear my dirty clothes that I've warn for the past 2 days.
"Can-" I go to say but dean cuts me off " Oh do you need to borrow any clothes?" He asked "oh yeah I do thanks" I said trying to make it seem like that wasn't what I was going to say. "no problem what were you saying?" He asked "oh never mind" I say " okay, come on I'll get you some clothes" he said and we went upstairs to his bedroom.
All of his clothes are wife beaters and ripped jeans." do you have any t-shirts?" I asked and he laughed "yeah I do over here" he said motioning to the closet. he showed me them and I picked one out it was a grey shirt with a blue under armer sign on it. I picked out a pair of jeans that weren't overly ripped, and a belt. the jeans were a bit baggy but not to bad and the shirt fit good.
"I'm going to pick my stuff up at my moms after school" I say and he gets a worried expression on his face " but what about your mom and her boyfriend?" He asked
"if u see there's a car in the drive way I won't go in but if there isn't I will and she's usually out drinking when I get home from school" I say
"can I come with you to make sure your okay?" He asked and I blushed, he's worried? " You can come but, I just don't want you coming in"
"okay but if you're in there for awhile I'm going to come in looking for you" he said and I nodded in reply.
I'm at school in my last period class I'm really nervous to go back to my mothers house but dean will be there so that's good I guess.
The bell rang and I went to my locker.
"Okay Seth I know something's on your mind, what is it?" My best friend roman questioned
"I can't tell u, I'm really sorry" I said, I feel bad keeping stuff from from roman but I can't tell him my mom beat me and I'm living with dean.
"You can tell me anything Seth, you know that" he said with a sad expression on his face.
"You promise not to tell" I asked I don't want to tell him but I hate keeping stuff from him.
"Seth you know u can trust me, but yes I promise I won't tell" he said
"Okay so my mom has been abusing me for awhile now and so has her boyfriend and last night when I came here last night for de- I mean Mr. Ambrose to tutor me, he found out and I ended up moving in with him till I can find my own place, and after school I'm going over to my mothers house to get my stuff and I'm a little nervous" I said quietly taking a breath after saying all that without a break.
"I'm so sorry Seth" he said and hugged me.
"You should've told me or at least someone they could have helped you" he said worriedly
"What would they have done just make me move and that's what I did" I said, I knew he would say something like that if I told him.
"Okay, I guess your right but they would have like put your mom in rehab for her drinking"
"I know but I really don't care cause I don't want to live with her anymore so it doesn't matter if she goes to rehab or not" I said getting a little annoyed.
Dean and I just pulled up to my moms house, there's no one there so I get out and make my way over to the door I use the hidden spare key to get in.
I open the door and it already reeks of alcohol.
I go up to my room, I quickly pack all of the stuff I need like clothes, my drawing book, some pictures ect....
I froze in my spot when I heard something, I looked around the room, but didn't see anything. I looked outside and there was no other cat beside deans.
I walked into the kitchen to try and discover what the sound was. I stopped in my tracks when I saw him, why was he here, but not my mom. He must if heard me walk in cause he turned around.
"Seth where have u been!?!" He asked worried. Why was he worried? And why didn't he sound drunk like usual?
"I-I-I've been at a friends" I said terrified what if he beats me? Dean won't know and won't be able to help me.
"Why didn't you tell me or your mother?" He asked
"Cause you guys don't care!" I spat at him. Where did this sudden courage come from?
"I care Seth, you know that" he said
"Then why do you beat me when your drunk" I spat/questioned
"I-I-I do?" He asked, does he not remember? Does he only do it cause he's drunk?
"How can u not remember I have so many scares from it, and it's not just you its my mother to"
"I-I'm so sorry Seth" he says disappointedly.
"I don't care if your sorry Nick, I'm moving out, I don't want you to just beat me when your drunk again" he said and ran out the door with all my stuff.
"You got everything?" Dean asked
"Yeah, but Nick my mom's boyfriend was there but sober and he said he didn't remember beating me"
"How can you not remember abusing someone, even if you are drunk" he questioned.
" I don't know"
A/N sorry I took so long to update I've had some stuff going on, I'll try to update more often, hope you guys liked it

Bad teacher {ambrollins}
FanfictionDean Ambrose is Seth Rollins math teacher, Seth hated Dean. What will happen when Seth is almost failing math and needs Mr.Ambrose to tutor him? Read to find out!