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Fatima party was still going she was sitting with the girl and the boys when someone came up from behind a cover her face and said the word "Melliza" (Means twin) in her ear fatima had a idea on who it may be but she knew that person was not here at the moment the person slowly removes their hands revealing them self when fatima turn around and realize who it was she burst into tears it was her sister deja they haven't talk for a while because deja been focus on her classes 

(Deja): Hey baby sis

(Fatima):(Still crying) What are you doing here 

(Deja): It's my twin birthday i couldn't miss it for the world 

(Fatima):I miss you and i love you 

(Deja): I love you too now stop crying it's your birthday 

Fatima and her family catching up on how deja i going but before the night end drew wanted to reveal his gifts to fatima he asked fatima to walk outside with him because he has a surprise to show her everyone got up and follow but not before drew blindfold fatima he then place fatima in front and told her when he counts down from 3 to take it off 

(Drew): Honey you ready 


(Drew): Okay 3.......2.......1 open 

When fatima open her eyes the first thing she saw was a pink chevrolet corvette c8

When fatima open her eyes the first thing she saw was a pink chevrolet corvette c8

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(Fatima):(Scream) You got it for me 

(Drew): Yes anything for my princess (Hugs her) Now go check it out 

Fatima got in her car and took it for a test drive she was so happy because she had her license and always wanted this car but drew didn't feel right having her drive alone when she got back drew told her he had one more present for but this one she had to check her bank account he transferred 500,000 to her bank account 

It's was now 8pm about to be 9 so everyone is gone the only people that are there is zac and his family, fatima's grandparents and her cousins along with her bestfriend drew payed for cleaners so everyone was just mingling fatima got up from her seat and went and sit on zac 

(Zac):(Looking around) What are you doing 

(Fatima): What i'm just sitting in my favorite spot would you like me to move 

(Zac):No but yes 

(Fatima): Why

(Zac): Because i can't deal with this type of pressure you come to sit on my lap with this short dress on and you looking good as hell 

(Fatima): (Laughs) You play to much can i get a kiss 

(Zac): (Kisses her) I'm not playing this is serious 

(Deja):(Walks up) Ouu so zac you done got my sister 

(Zac):Hey deja it's nice to meet you 

(Fatima):He ain't got me just yet 


(Zac):Yeah she is mines but i haven't asked her to be my girlfriend just yet because she couldn't date before but now that she can she will be my girlfriend soon 

(Deja): Okay well good lucky to you zac she is a good one very patient and sweet 

(Zac):Yeah i know thanks 

It's now 9pm and everyone is leave fatima was to tired so dream and deja drove her car home fatima left with her parents and grandparents along with justyce and soraya 

As fatima reached home she put her bonnet on did her facial then took a shower and went to bed everyone went to bed because they were exhausted it was also a long day 


Fatima was the first to wake up she got up brush her teeth then went on her phone she text zac telling him what beach they should go to and what time an hour later justyce and soraya wake up and came upstairs to fatima's room 

(Soraya): Morning cuzzo 

(Justyce):Morning my girl is big eighteen 

(Fatima): (Laughs) Morning to you guy's too

(Justyce):So what we doing today 

(Fatima): We're going to the beach with the boys, I have to pick up lori and angela 

(Soraya):So now you wanna tell us that we didn't know we were coming back to your house last night so i don't got a swim suit

(Justyce):Exactly you could of given us a heads up 

(Fatima): Your right but soraya ain't your mom and dad coming over ask aunty kelly to bring something for you and they can pass by aunty alicea and uncle damian house to get something for justyce 

(Soraya): Okay that could work 

A few minutes later faith called everyone downstairs for breakfast 


(Drew):Sweetie pie how's classes going 

(Deja):Good can't wait for it to be over 

(Faith):It's takes had work to come a surgeon honey 

(Deja):I know mama 

(Dream):I'm just happy your home i miss you 

(Fatima):Me too when do you have to leave 

(Deja): I leave 6th my classes start back the 8th but i wanna have a day to study 

(Fatima):Well all of us can do something as a family before you leave 

(Faith):That will be nice 

(Deja): So soraya and justyce how y'all been i haven't seen y'all in so long 

(Soraya):I'm good i just be chilling i be going to school and back home 

(Deja):Damn you don't go out you don't have a boyfriend

(Soraya):I go out but not a lot and no i don't have a boyfriend but i am talking to someone 

(Deja):Okay, What about you justyce 

(Justyce):Same as soraya but i be outside and with tae a lot

(Deja):You and tae still together that's nice

(Faith): So girls what y'all plan on doing today 

(Fatima): We're meet the boys at the beach 

(Faith):You always tell me your going somewhere the same day 

(Drew): At least she tells you because i'm always the last one to find out 

(Faith):Because she know if she ask you your going to say yes anyways you spoil that girl, What time will y'all be back 

(Fatima): I'm not sure probably around 6pm

(Drew):Okay tyler is going with y'all 

(Fatima):No he's not 

(Drew):It's either tyler go with y'all or your brothers tag along 

(Fatima):Okay i'm good with tyler 


It's now time to leave fatima has on a red two piece with jeans shorts and her yeezy slides soraya mom came and brought clothes for her and justyce they made their way to get lori and angela who meet at one house so that fatima does not have to drive to two different houses 

After a 20 minutes drive they made it to the beach everyone gather their stuff and made their way to find a nice spot after setting up the girls just laid down and fatima took her shorts off and laid on her stomach three boy were passing at the time one of them decided to shoot his shot 

(Unknown): Hey i just want to tell you that your really pretty

(Fatima):Thanks i get that a lot....

(Unknown):Or sorry my name is tristan 

(Fatima):Nice to meet you tristan but is their something you need 

(Tristan):I just wanted to ask you do you have a boyfriend 

(Fatima):No i don't but i'm talking to someone

(Tristan): So technically you single so can i have you number 

(Fatima): Sorry can't do that

(Tristan):So you shutting me down 

(Fatima):Am yeah your not what i want and i said i'm talking to someone

Zac been watching the whole time and he finds tristan is standing by fatima to long so he made his way over 

(Zac): You good T

(Fatima):Yeah he just wanted to ask me for my number 

(Zac):Bro can i ask what's your name?

(Tristan): It's tristan 

(Zac):Okay tristan did you get her number?

(Tristan):No she said she can't 

(Zac):Right and that's because of me she mines so can you please leave her alone i know she beautiful but you can't have her 

(Tristan): I hope to see you again 

(Zac):(Getting mad):Bro are deaf i just said leave her alone don't get you ass beat over this sexy girl who ain't yours 

(Tristan):(Laugh) Who ass you gone beat?

His boys starts to walk up but zac still ain't backing down Tae, DJ and jordan all see that it's starting to escalate so they walked over to see what's going on 

THE BEGINNING OF ZATIMA (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now