Chapter [09]

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          AFTER BIANCA had left Royal to her books back in the library , all the siren could think about was whether things might have been different if she should have closed the space two days ago. But thinking about the possibilities was no use. Bianca went back to her dorm where her pale roommate was sitting on her bed, reading a book.

          "Where have you been?" Ingrid asked, not bothering to look up from her book. Bianca shrugged. "I bumped into Royal in the library and talked to her for a while."

          Ingrid raised her eyebrow in interest. "I thought you said you were absolutely certain you weren't interested in her?" When Bianca kept quiet, Ingrid immediately understood the silence. "I knew it! You do like her, don't you?" Ingrid exclaimed, smiling.

          "So what if I do? It's no use.." Bianca sighed.

          Ingrid frowned. "What's with the sad look? Are you still thinking about what between you two?" Bianca nodded her head and her roommate frowned.

          "I know this is the second time I'm saying this but shouldn't you be happy that y'all almost kissed?" Ingrid questioned.

          "I know.. But I still can't stop thinking about it."

          Ingrid leaned against the back of her chair. "So what if you panicked when you realised you two were really close and let go of her which caused her to lose her balance and almost fall? It's perfectly fine to panic. I mean, everyone does that."

          "Look, Bianca." Ingrid sighed. She then placed her book on her bedside table before looking Bianca in the eye. "Did you at least try to talk about it and hopefully apologise to her like I told you to?" Ingrid asked.

          "Ingrid, you know how I am." Bianca frowned.

          "Does that mean you didn't talk to her about it at all?" Ingrid exclaimed in disbelief. "Bianca I did not give you my advice just so it can go into your ears and go out immediately."

          "Look, you know how I am. I'm bound to fuck everything up, just like I did with Xavier." Bianca said.

          Ingrid rolled her eyes when she heard the tortured artist's name. "Oh my Lord, who cares about Xavier? You didn't fuck things up, he did. He broke up with you 'cause he assumed you were manipulating him. Which you weren't! And besides, this is a whole different scenario. Royal isn't like Xavier. She'll understand why you panicked."

          Bianca looked at Ingrid. "You sure?"

          Ingrid took Bianca's hand into hers. "I'm sure. Now come on, we have class in a while."


"Nope. No. Ugh, definitely not." Esmeralda groaned, as she looked through her outfits in her cupboard.

Royal who wanted to read her Harry Potter book in peace, rolled her eyes and closed her book. "What are you doing, Esme?"

"I'm trying to find a good outfit for the Harvest Festival." Esmeralda explained.

"Can't you do it in the morning? It's 8.30 right now and I'm trying to read my book."

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"The Harvest Festival is this weekend and I need to prepare myself as early as possible." said Esmeralda as she walked over to Royal's closet to see if there's anything nice for her to wear.

Royal smirked. "You're dressing up for Wednesday, aren't you?"

Esmeralda rolled her eyes, knowing very well her roommate hit the nail on the head. "Maybe.. maybe not."

"Maybe yes!" Royal exclaimed. "Esmeralda, this is huge!"

"Uh, how is this huge again?"

"You're gonna ask Wednesday out! Of course this is huge!"

Esmeralda sighed. "I don't know... She might reject me.."

"Oh please- no one can resist you and your beautiful face." Royal teased. The vampire smirked, her ego being boosted. "Yeah right.." Esmeralda grinned.

Royal got up from her bed and walked over to Esmeralda who was still looking through Royal's closet for nice outfits. "First things first," Royal said. "No using my clothes." She insisted, closing the closet door.

The vampire looked at her roommate with a sad expression. "Pleaseee?? Your outfits are way nicer than mine." Esmeralda begged.

"No can do." Royal said. "It has to be your clothes that you're wearing. Not mine."

Esmeralda pouted. "Fine. But I seriously have nothing good to wear."


Bianca wanted to make up for what happened after that almost kiss. She didn't really know how she was going to make it up to Royal but Ingrid suggested asking the witch out for the Harvest Festival so Bianca agreed to do so.

And so, the siren was walking towards Serenity Hall, where Royal and Esmeralda's dorm room was. Once Bianca had reached Royal's dormitory, the siren stood outside of her door, debating whether she should knock or leave. She looked at the bouquet of flowers she had in her hand which was for Royal.

Yes, Bianca was slightly over doing it with flowers but she had never really done this before. After all, Xavier was her first relationship and it was always him who made the first move.

Now that Bianca thought about it, maybe flowers aren't such a good idea. Unfortunately she had already spent her money on it so it would be a waste if she threw away the flowers now.

Bianca paced up and down outside of Royal's dorm, thinking about all the possible scenarios that could happen.

Number one, would be Royal agreeing to go with her to the Harvest Festival.

Number two, Royal rejects her, leaving the siren's heart in a million pieces.

Bianca sighed as she thought about it. "Dammit, Bianca. Just knock on the door for Jericho's sake." The girl muttered under her breath. She paced up and down again.

A couple of other outcasts walked past her, staring at the siren and wondering what she was doing walking up and down like a maniac while holding a bouquet of flowers.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄, Bianca BarclayWhere stories live. Discover now