Meeting Up

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(F/d) = favorite drink

*A Few Weeks Later*

-Raph's Pov-

Me and y/n have been talking for awhile when she asked if I wanted to hang out sometime. I thought about it for alitte while and I said I'd like too. I let my brothers know I was going out for awhile they didn't really care. Now I'm heading to her house since she gave me her address. I got to her house. I knocked on her window and she let me in. "Hey Raph make yourself at home, you want something to drink?" She asked going to her fridge

"yea, you got any Dr pepper?" I said sitting on her couch "yea I do here" she tossed Dr pepper to me I caught it and turned of a tv she grabbed a (f/d) and sat down beside me for a couple hours she got bored. "Hey I'm bored wanna go out?" She looked over to me "like where" I asked "I don't know but I'm hungry" she got up and stretched " I think I know a place" I got up to "sounds good to me" she put on her shoes I went over to her window and opened it she climbed out first and started up the fire escape and I followed behind shutting her window.

-Y/n's Pov-

Once me and Raph got to the roof he picked me up bridal style, I was surprised and I felt my face heat up and just held on for dear life as he was jumping across rooftops. After what I think was about 15 minutes we stopped in front of a noodle shop. When I looked up to see were we are I realized we were at Mr. murakamis AKA where I work.

We walked in as I greeted Mr murakami. "Hi Mr murakami!" I waved even though I knew he was blind I still liked to do it. "Oh miss y/n, how are you? Your not supposed to come in until tomorrow." He smiled "yea I know but I thought I'd come in and eat" I sat down next to Raph. He looked at me confused "Raph I work here during the week except for Saturdays,sundays and Mondays" I explained he nodded

"so what would you to like to have?" Murakami asked "I'll have some pizza gyoza" Raph ordered "and I'll have the usual" I responded. While we waited for our food we talked for some time "so y/n tell me about yourself" raph spoke I looked at him "why do you live alone?" He questioned I thought about it for a minute before answering

"well, I'm an orphan my parents died and I have no siblings, since nobody adopted me in the orphanage because of my 'negative attitude' I eventually aged out, got a job, bought an apartment and have just been living on my own" I decided to lie until I felt comfortable telling him the truth. Raph looked shocked then pitiful of me "how did they die?" He asked "house fire" I blatantly answered then Mr Marakami handed us our food.

And we started eating. "What is that?" I asked pointing to his plate "it's pizza gyoza, it's basically like pizza but in dumpling form" he answered stuffing one in his mouth. I looked at him weird and shrugged it off "what you think it's weird? Try it! Don't knock it till you try it" he said picking one with his chopsticks and holding it out to me. I was skeptical but reluctantly, I ate it. It. Was. Delicious. I looked at him with surprise "good right?" He said, I nodded.

After awhile of talking, eating and maybe alitte bit of flirting. We decided to head out. While we were walking I checked my phone to see what time it was to see that it was 11:47 p.m. once we got to my apartment it was probably about 12:30 p.m. once we got there he picked me up and carried me up the the fire escape next to my window. "I had fun, we should do the again sometime"  I said opening my window "yea totally, I should get going it's pretty late my brothers are probably fuming right now because I'm not home yet, see ya later y/n" he said with a wave "byee raph" I waved him off "bye" and with that he left. I climbed into my window and locked it. I went over to my door and made sure it was locked then went to my room and changed into pajamas.

(If you don't like that then just imagine something else)

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(If you don't like that then just imagine something else)

After I changed I put my phone on charge, set my alarm for work in the morning and went to bed. I fell asleep after about and hour because I was think about raph for awhile i don't know why but for awhile now I just can't get him out of my head.

-Raph's Pov-

When I left y/n's place I went to the nearest manhole cover, lifted it up and went inside. When I got to the lair as I predicted, Leo was very mad. "Where have you been?! Do you have any idea what time it it?!" He shouted at me "I told you I was gonna be gone for awhile didn't you hear me?" I said walking to my room "you were gone for 6 hours!! What could you possibly be doing for 6 hours?!" He shouted at me again this time he ticked me off "I was hanging out with a girl alright! Happy?!" I yelled and ran to my room slamming the door leaving Leo dumbfounded. I tried sleeping but I couldn't sleep I couldn't get y/n out of my head. Maybe I like her but she'd never like me I mean she's a human I'm a mutant, she couldn't like be back' I thought as I layed awake in my bed. After some time I did fall asleep eventually.

-leo's Pov-

'did he just say he was hanging out with a girl?!' I thought as I was standing there in the lair surprised at what my brother had said. I went to my room after what felt like hours if standing there not knowing what to do. I decided to go to bed since he was probably lying about it, I mean what girl in their right mind would want to hang out with Raph the asshole'.

(Hope you like this chapter also raph keeps auto correcting to Ralph witch is really annoying. I hope you have a nice and beautiful day!)

Word count: 1110

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