Chapter 12. I Am What Remains

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"It's like talking to a stranger." ~ P.A.

It had been almost a week since Anakin Skywalker's accident, and he still hadn't woken up. Seeing as his jet had stalled and caught fire, the Navy collectively decided to hold off on the flying for a bit to inspect each jet to make sure they were safe to fly in.

Since no one was flying at the moment, Ahsoka had no way to keep herself busy. She found herself laying awake at night, staring at the ceiling or not remembering if she slept at all.

She began to head to the gym almost everyday, seeing as it was a way for her to escape everything. Whenever she'd go, she'd turn up her music, silence her phone, and tune out the world.

She'd become quite the gym rat if she did say so herself. Her go to was always weights and she'd gotten pretty good at lifting. Ahsoka's goal was to be able to beat Skywalker in a arm wrestle if he woke up. If... that always hurt Ahsoka, thinking about the possibility of him not waking up. Either way, going to the gym was probably the only thing that was keeping Ahsoka from having a complete and total mental break down.

After Ahsoka's most recent gym adventure, she'd finally come back to her residency. She'd turned her phone completely off today, going old school with her music by using an old iPod.

As soon as she stepped foot inside, she turned her phone back on and noticed all the notifications she missed.

She had two missed calls from Rex as well as five texts from him. As well as a single text from both Plo and Kenobi.

Kenobi: Come down to the hospital ASAP

Plo: Ahsoka, we need you at the hospital






Ahsoka swallowed the lump that formed in her throat as she read Rex's most recent text. He woke up, he'd finally woken up.

Not even bothering to change, Ahsoka threw on a sweater and ran back out the door, not even locking it behind her. As soon as she hopped into her car, she started to call Rex while driving like a maniac down the streets.

"Ahsoka! It's about time you answered." Rex sounded panicked and Ahsoka didn't know whether or not to be concerned as well or not.

"He's awake?" Ahsoka asked breathlessly as she sped through the yellow light that was about to turn red.

"Yeah, but Tano." There was silence on the other line for a moment while Rex thought of the best way to tell her the news. "There's something wrong with him."

Ahsoka felt her heart drop to her stomach while slamming on the breaks at a red light. Of course there had to be a downside. Nothing was ever straight forward in her life. Ahsoka tried to keep her composure as she tapped the steering wheel anxiously. "Alright, well I'm almost there now. So I'll see you soon."

She hung up the phone, bouncing her leg anxiously as she waited for the light to turn green. Whatever was wrong with Skywalker, she was going to get through it, like she always did.


Ahsoka practically sprinted towards Skywalker's room, not wanting to waste a second. She noticed Padmè sitting outside his room, crying on the floor while Kenobi held on tight to her. Meanwhile, Rex and Plo were standing off to the side, having what seemed like a very serious conversation.

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