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Hunter shot the two people guarding the doors. He had Rick, Daryl and a few other people behind him. He's never met the rest of them so he doesn't know their names, he only knows they're all on the same side. Hunter opens the door and they start sweeping the first floor in formation.

"You signal if they're already inside. We'll be there," Rick tells the two guys. They nod and run off.

"Come on. Let's find them guns."

The three of them continued searching for the Saviors guns. Dwight was their inside man and had given them a list of where everything was. But as they searched they couldn't find anything.

Hunter met up with Daryl and gave him a questioning look. Daryl shakes his head, "Nah, I ain't find anything."

Hunter sighed and they continue walking until they found Rick. Who pointed his gun at them, "It's not on this floor," Hunter tells his brother.

"Only option is up," Rick replies.

"High ground. Good cover," Daryl nods.

Rick tucks the map into his shirt pocket, "Yeah, I'd put them up there, too."

"Stairs," Daryl pointed out. He tried to open the door but it was locked. Daryl took a step back and kicked it a few times but it didn't budge.

Hunter remembered seeing an elevator a couple halls down, "Follow me."

The three of them ran back toward where they started. He searched through the halls before finding the elevator. Hunter jumped across the opening and grabbed onto the metal bar and slowly started making his way up. If it wasn't for the adrenaline and the pain medication he wouldn't be able to do this right now.

When he got to the top he got to his knees and grabbed onto some support before reaching his hand down for Daryl and helped him up. Next they grabbed Rick's hand and pulled him up.

Once all three were up they pulled out their weapons and made their way to the hallway but that was empty too, "Last floor. The guns have gotta be up here."

"He said they'd be here," Daryl responds.

"Everything else he passed you is checking out," Rick tells him.

"That guy's a piece of shit," Daryl says.

"Those guns get to the Sanctuary, they could cut through those walkers and free up an exit," Hunter announces, "We'll get this done faster if we split up. If I find the M2s, you find 'em, Rick finds 'em, we use them, hit the courtyard right then and there."

"End this quick."

Hunter nods and they split up from each other. Hunter walked down a dark hall way, his footsteps echoing off the walls. He clutched his flashlight in on hand, the beam of light swaying back and forth as he walked.

They needed to find these guns. They had to be here, there was no way Dwight had played them. As he walked, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. He constantly turned around, expecting to see someone or something lurking in the shadows. But each time, the hallway was empty.

He reached for the doorknob but he was tackled to the ground. He was punched in the face. Hunter kneaded the guy in the ribs, he switched them around so he was on top. He wrapped his hands around the guy's throat. But the guy's hands reached out and pushed on his eye.

Hunter let out a shout as a fist connected with his jaw, he fell to the ground and the Savior got on top of him. The guy landed a powerful punch to his Hunter's ribs, causing Hunter to grunt in pain. More punches were landed on his face before Hunter got his hand up to block incoming punches.

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With his free hand, he decked the guy in the face. He got to his knees, grabbed the Savior and headbutted him. He pulled out his gun but the Savior knocked his hand away, pushing him back to the ground. The guy came charging at him again but Hunter kicked him away.

Hunter got up from the ground, stalked over to the man and kneaded him in the face. And then kicked him. Hunter got behind him and wrapped his arms around his neck and squeezed.

The man managed to stand up and ram Hunter into the wall. Hunter groaned as his head made contact with the wall but he didn't lose his grip on the Savior's neck. The man spun them around and slammed Hunter into shelves but Hunter still hand him in a headlock.

"The M2s. Where are they?"

"No...gun!" The man gasps as Hunter's grip got tighter around his neck, "Gracie."

"They're in there?"

Hunter kicked them away from the wall but the guy ran them right back to the wall. Hunter screams as he uses all his force to shove the guy into the wall. Hunter stumbled back as the mental hooks went right through the man.

Hunter dropped to his knees as he tried catching his breath. He took a moment before standing up and pulling the guy off the hook and tossing him to the ground. He searched the guy's pocket and found the keys.

He got up and unlocked the door. He lets out a shaky breath as he sees the baby in the crib. The guy wasn't protecting guns he was protecting a baby. He started shaking his head, "Gracie. No. No. "

He backed out of the room, locked the door and took the keys. He was going to come back for that little girl. Hunter made his way back through the hall. He passed by a room and stopped when he heard his brother's voice. He turned back and saw Morales holding a gun to his brother. He was a Savior.

Hunter pulled out his gun and shot him in the head and his body dropped to the ground, "You okay?"

"That—T-that was..."

"I know who that was. It doesn't matter," Hunter replies as Daryl walks in, "You find the guns?"

Rick shakes his head, "They aren't here."


Rick dropped to the ground and picked up his gun, "He called the Saviors back from the courtyard. We gotta get out befo–" Hunter hid behind the door at the sound of the doors banging, "They're here."

As they left the room and ran down the hallways, bullets started flying in their direction. They turned on their feet and started running back to where they came from, but more Saviors were coming.

Hunter moved in front of the wall in the doorway. They were coming from every direction. He pointed his gun and started shooting the ones at the end of the hall, he backed away and reloaded before starting again.

He knocked down two before his rifle ran out of ammo. He let it drop to his side before pulling out his gun. He glances up at Rick who nods to the end of the hall.

"Hey! Hey!" Hunter glances at Daryl who was hiding in one of the rooms, "I'm out!"

Rick looked over at his brother and motioned to him to get over to him. Hunter quickly ran across and Rick motioned to Daryl before shooting the fire extinguisher, "Come on!"

Daryl ran over as the smoke started filling the halls. The Saviors were dumb enough to come at them still. But they would just throw them down the elevator shaft. But then they heard guns firing and the Saviors dropped one-by-one.

Then Hunter heard the faint voice of Aaron, "Aaron!"


"We're by the elevator!"

Aaron got them out of there. Hunter split from them as he went back to the room with the little baby. He unlocked the door and walked over to the crib and picked up the little girl.

"I'm gonna find you a new home. With a new family. You're gonna be just fine. I promise."

Hunter walked down the stairs and outside with the baby in his arms, "She was inside?" Tobin asks.

"She was. I have a–I have a stop to make, and Daryl's got his bike. Maybe she can go back with you or Scott..."

"She can go with me," Aaron spoke up, "I can, uh, t-take her to the Hilltop. She'll be safe there."

"Aaron. You sure?"

"Eric and I were gonna go up...We were gonna go there after and update Maggie. So...that's what I'm gonna do," Aaron had just lost his husband and his heart was broken, "Please. I have to."

Hunter nods and places her in Aaron's arms, "Her name's Gracie."


Hunter, Rick, and Daryl were following after the car that held the guns they wanted. Hunter was in the passenger seat as Rick drove after the car. Daryl was on his bike ahead of them.

"Should've let me drive."

"Shut up."

The back of the car opened and the Saviors started shooting at them. Causing Daryl to fly off his bike. Rick sped the car up and swerved away from the bullets. Hunter stood up and held onto the windshield as he pulled his gun out but the guy on the machine gun quickly got back into place.

Rick shoved his brother down and Hunter turned the wheel as he saw Daryl in the side view mirror. Daryl was able to shoot the guy on the machine gun and once again Hunter stood up as Rick got closer to the other car. He climbed up and jumped into the other car as Rick jumped into the passenger seat.

But the car swerved and drove over the road, Hunter dropped out before the car could flip on top of him. He rolled to the side and quickly got to his feet. He searched around for Rick and saw him climbing up the hill. And quickly followed him up.

"We got the guns."

"You guys look like shit," Daryl comments.

Hunter furrows his brows and looks down at his clothes taking full offence to what he had said, "Let's go see if this asshole is still alive."

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