Chapter 62: Wrestlemania 33 Part 1

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April 2 2017

Wrestlemania was finally here and everyone was excited probably for the first time since 2014 as the card was a great one. The show had some great matches on the card including Samoa Joe Vs Kalisto to determine the first ever television champion, Seth Rollins Vs Triple H in a non sanctioned match to finally end their feud, and fatal four way ladder match for the raw tag team championships.

Wrestlemania starts out with Shane McMahon taking on Aj Styles, despite his best effort, Shane would come up short as AJ would defeat him. Then Kevin Owens defeats Chris Jericho for the United States Champion.

And then following Booker T winning his first wrestlemania match in years against Baron Corbin, Abyss and Dean Ambrose defend the ministry of harvests smackdown tag team champions against Beer Money, Abyss and Dean do everything they can to win but surprisingly Beer Money manages to come away with the win and become the new smackdown tag team champions.

And now for one of the more anticipated matches on the card, Daikon Black was now gonna face Bray Wyatt inside Hell in a cell.

The crowd was cheering but were nervous obviously for what they were about to see as the cell began to come down to the ground.

The crowd then got silent as they waited for the rivals to arrive.

On the stage a group of people wearing masks come walking down with lanterns in their hands as the lights begin to dim as the lanterns turn on and then...

The lights go fully out as everyone in the crowd takes their phones out and turns their flashlights on and then....

Bray Wyatt comes out onto the stage with his lantern as he starts to walk down the ramp, there was a screeching sound throughout the arena but no one really took notice to it, the crowd cheers for Bray as they were excited to see him wrestle.

Greg: This following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The crowd repeats "One fall!"

Greg: And it is a hell in a cell match! Introducing first weighing in at 275 pounds, Bray Wyatt!!!

The crowd cheers as Bray stops at the end of the stage as he blows the lantern out and the lights turn back on.

Bray paces around as he looks at the cell and then he smirks, he walks over to the cage and grabs ahold of it, and then he walks inside as he gets into the ring.

He then walks over and stands by his corner as he awaits his opponent. Once again the screeching sound was heard throughout the arena but again no one took any notice to it.

It takes a moment but finally the tron begins to static as we see various moments in Daikon's career, including his multiple world championship wins and his tag title wins with Drake.

Fire then explodes on the tron as the lights go out and then a joker laugh is heard out through the arena before we see the tron turn on again and this time a dark deep voice is heard.

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