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Hyerin was the first to make a move, she ran towards Sujin and attempted to punch her but Sujin quickly dodged it and held Hyerin's arm before flipping her onto the floor.

Hyerin then held onto Sujin's foot and attempted to drop her but Sujin backfliped to avoid it. Hyerin got up and the two glared at each other before attacking at the same time again.

The scene looked like something from a movie or a WWE match, punches and kicks were thrown and dodged, tripping and dropping, the fight looked fictional. "How do they know how to fight like that?" Jeno whispered to Jimin.

"They both learned Taekwondo and Sujin won the national minors championship gold medal in 2012 and the national gold medal in 2019 while Hyerin won the Chinese championship in 2015 and the international one in 2017" Jimin explained to him.

"But Sujin have many other awards, and she is more experienced as she started learning when she was 4 and only stoped before debut, so 15 years while Hyerin started when she was 10 and stoped when she turned 16, so 6 years, Sujin clearly has the upper hand".

The two girl's fight continued, and was only stopped by the security who passed by and stopped them. "I will make sure to kill you next time" Sujin threatened before opening the energy drink and pouring it all over Hyerin then throwing the bottle at her.

"Ugh" Hyerin screeched before leaving too. Jaemin, Jeno and Jimin were still shocked from everything that happened. "Are you all okay?" The security asked and they were only able to reply with a nod.

"That was straight up a live movie" Jeno commented as they walked towards the elevator "Not now" Jimin said before pressing the elevator's button.

"Sujin is going to be cranky for the rest of the day, no one will be able to handle her mood" She sighed and stepped in "I hope she isn't injured though" Jaemin said and the others nodded.

And just as Jimin said, Sujin lashed out in everyone she laid her eyes on, making everyone avoid her for the rest of the day "I don't know what's up her ass but she is taking it out on everyone" a staff member whispered to another.

"If you got something to say come say it to my face bitch" Sujin said as she looked at the two staff members with a threatening look through the practice room mirror.

"You know what Sujin, you've been quite rude since the morning, if I make a comment about this your career will be ruined" the same staff member said. The whole room fell silent and the four other aespa girls were hoping Sujin will stay still.

"Excuse my tone, I didn't think you were the princess of the north missy. And make a comment about my attitude? Sure, go ahead" Sujin said after turning to the staff who immediately held her phone up to write the comment.

"But make sure you have someone to bail you out after I report your ass for trespassing, forgery, stalking and invasion of privacy. Now will you pick up your ass and leave or do you want me to do it the hard way? I also know you're having an affair so don't test me"

The people in that room were shocked to say the least, who would've expected Sujin to know that. "I need to go" the staff said and left immediately.

"I-I'll start the music" the dance instructor said with an awkward tone. "Yeah I think you should do that" Minjeong trailed off while looking around the room, searching for someone to relieve the tension.

A few hours later, they all finished up practice and the girls were bow resting at home after the rather... eventful, day they had.

"I can't take this anymore more, you know what, let's have fun!" Aeri hopped up from the couch and left to her room then coming back shortly after with a game in her hand.

"Let's do a karaoke night!" She exclaimed "Yizhou and Minjeong, you go get the snacks and drinks while I set this up"

"Unnie, I'm really not in the mood for-" Sujin started but Aeri cut her off.

"I don't wanna hear it, you've been angry all day and you made made everyone else moody as well, relieve that and get over it" Aeri scolded her before setting up the game.

And for the rest of the long night, all of them had fun singing and dancing together, fooling around and doing silly stuff just to make each other smile.

They were there for each other.

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