The looks of the teenagers, some confused and others excited, crossed each other. They couldn't say that they hadn't played that game before, but the boys were aware that there was one of them who was still a child, until he himself took the floor, surprising them all.
"Okay, let's play" Jeongguk said with determination, giving his cousins a hopeful look, so that they would support him in it.
"Hmm..." Taehyung twisted his mouth in a gesture, however, the possibility of ending up kissing Min Yoongi ended up convincing him. "It's okay"
"I'm just warning you that I won't kiss any of my cousins" Jimin stated, running a hand through his blonde hair, pulling it back, winking discreetly at Namjoon.
"Are you old enough for these games, boy?" Seokjin whispered to jeon, who had his eyes wide with the nervousness of being caught by his mother, or being revealed as still a child.
"Of course, I'm..." he lied, trying not to let the others hear him. "I just turned 16" and although Taehyung and Jimin could hear it, they decided not to deny it in front of the new neighbor, noticing Jeongguk's particular interest in him. They would have time tonight at home to talk about it.
Seokjin kept a smirk as he put the bottle, he'd emptied himself on the ground, turning it around hard. Everyone carefully watched the object spinning non-stop, until the mouth of the bottle pointed at Namjoon and the other end at Jimin. Internally, both celebrated having the opportunity to kiss again.
With some nervous giggles and flushed cheeks, the chosen pair smacked their lips together. The sweet taste of the soda could still be perceived on the lips of both, urging them to deepen the kiss, while the others applauded and laughed outrageously. Jeongguk wanted to cover his eyes, but he wanted to look at them too. A strange feeling swirled in his stomach, wondering if this was the way teenagers always had fun. It didn't seem like a really bad thing, and definitely, if he managed to kiss Seokjin, he would surely die before he even tried.
The next turn of the bottle put Taehyung in an awkward position, as the other end pointed to the empty space between Hoseok and Yoongi. Although the latter was looking at his feet, feigning disinterest; knowing that the chestnut had to choose made him anxious, praying that he would not opt for his happiest neighbor.
"Y-Yoongi..." he pointed at the pale boy dressed completely in black. The aforementioned looked up, from under his fisherman's hat, surprised to be the chosen one. Without taking too long, Taehyung took two steps closer to him and stretched out in front, waiting for the touch of his lips. Min didn't wait for an invitation and, taking him by the neck, she kissed him delicately, drawing a few whistles and more shouts from the others, encouraging them.
"Woah!" Hoseok patted Min's back, surprised by how eager he seemed to be in reserve for that moment. "Are you sure you two haven't kissed before?" he poked them in the ribs. Jimin gave Namjoon a sneaky look, suppressing a giggle.
"Well... It's my turn!" Jeongguk said excitedly, his heart beating fast in his chest, internally hoping that the bottle would be good to him and choose Seokjin.
Like Taehyung, Jeongguk had to choose, however, his decision had been made since he started that game. Between Hoseok and Seokjin, he pointed at the newcomer without hesitation. Seokjin showed his smile from the side of him, haughty, advancing towards the younger who wiped his smile and looked at him nervously. The stars seemed to shine brighter in his black eyes and his chest heaved with each rapid breath. From one second to the next, a panic invaded him, realizing that he was about to let that rebellious-looking boy steal his first kiss.
With no time to do anything else, Seokjin's soft lips brushed against his, when he took hold of the shirt he was wearing, to bring him closer. Seokjin tasted like lemon soda and cigarettes. Jeongguk had never considered that mixture as something addictive, but after feeling it directly from the mouth of his new neighbor, he wanted to have more of it. His face went from a normal blush to a total redness, including his ears. Jimin and Taehyung didn't miss the opportunity to laugh out loud, annoying him.
Two hours later, Jeongguk was looking at the ceiling of his room, trying to sleep, although it was impossible. The sensations inside him continued to make him smile and the taste of kisses stolen by Seokjin, with his thick cherry lips, continued on his lips. A hesitant hand rose to his face, and with his fingertips, he touched the surface of his lips. That had been the best first kiss he could ask for.
After a hectic night, Jeongguk got up early, even before his cousins woke up, eating breakfast on the run.
"What do you think if we play volleyball on the beach?" Jimin proposed, appearing in the kitchen, dressed and ready for action. Taehyung showed up two minutes later.
"Hmm... I... I have something to do first" announced the youngest, leaving his plate in the sink, and rushing out. "I'll catch up with you later" and saying this, he put on his sandals and went outside.
His curious eyes scanned the front house, as well as the front yard and everything he could see, but there was no sign of Seokjin. He walked towards the steps, expecting the older one to be on the rocks, like the day before. However, from a distance he could identify the silhouette of the boy, sitting on the semi-wall, next to the steps. That day, he was wearing a white, sleeveless t-shirt and jean shorts that were torn on different sides. His feet dangled in the air, while his outlined gaze, he watched the sea in the distance. Jeongguk wanted to ask what he was seeing so much, since his attention was also on the beach when he met him.
"He-Hello..." Jeon muttered, feeling his voice tremble insecurely, taking the place next to the other. "I didn't think you'd leave so early..." Seokjin looked at him out of the corner of his eye and smiled sideways. That was enough for Jeongguk to consider it a greeting. "Do you like the morning breeze? Mom says it's good for the skin and that walking barefoot through the sand is like getting a massage..." he began to talk, due to his nervousness, rambling. "Well, I get massages every day, at least during the summer vacations, because I've always lived here and, with my cousins and my friends, we spend the summer playing..." Seokjin rolled his eyes, worried by the black-haired boy's endless conversation. "Sometimes we must be punished when we lose, but only if we agree to it before playing, because if not, it's no good anymore and..." Jeongguk's lips were trapped by Seokjin's agile hand, who silenced him with this action, squeezing them and leaving him like a chick.
"God, how much do you talk..." he shook his head, letting go, now that he had shut up. "Let's go for a walk" he proposed and Jeon jus nodded, unsure to speak again, so as not to disturb the older man. "There are some rocky caves that I want to see up close" he added, turning around to return to the sidewalk and down the steps.
The younger imitated him, quickly catching up with him.
The walk was carried out in silence, although Jeon wanted to break it with some comment regarding the place. Who better than him to tell him about that beach where he was born? However, all of Seokjin's attention seemed to be on the large coastal rocks that were visible in the distance. In the middle of these, a grotto opened up and the depth made it look like a creepy cave. Although Jeongguk had spent his whole life there, he had never walked so far from his house. But to accompany his new neighbor, he was willing to do it. What bad thing could happen to him?
"Wow..." Seokjin appreciated how high the rocks reached and how the interior forked into two bright points, which were the two exits from the place. "It's incredible"
Jeongguk looked at Seokjin, fascinated to see the emotion in his eyes. The new boy had been particularly neutral in his expressions, never letting go of his displeasure. However, he now genuinely looked like a teenager his age, excited about his discovery.
"We have to go in" he said, determined to enter the cave, of which they only saw part of the beginning.
"And if the tide rises?" he asked, somewhat fearful, despite being too early to even consider that possibility. Seokjin's cold hand caught his wrist, taking him with him inside, not expecting him to agree.