Chapter 2

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Alex woke up to the sound of her name being called out. A gentle hand reached out and touched her forehead. Alex flinched. The person who had touched her pulled their hand away, afraid that they had hurt her. Alex wished that she had not flinched so violently. She knew the voice and the gentle touch. It was Eve.

Alex opened her eyes and sat up. The room was very dark and cramped. The only light that was in the room was from the small window that was above Alex's bed. She looked up to see Eve standing next to her bed in her night clothes. Eve was holding her hand up to her chest.

"I'm so sorry! I had to wake you up." Eve said in a panic. "Did I hurt you when I touched you?"

Alex looked at her with pure confusion on her face. She was still trying to adjust to the darkness. She stared right at Eve for a good thirty seconds until Eve broke the silence.

"Alex," Eve said leaning in closer to get a better look at Alex's face. "Are you good? Can you hear me? Did I frighten you? I'm so sorry if I did!"

Eve started panicking again.

"What the hell is happening?" Alex said, still in a sleepy and confused daze. "Yeah, I'm fine. What's wrong?"

"You had not finished the rest of your paperwork from yesterday. I came in to check on you and you were asleep." Eve said. "I thought that something had happened."

Alex then realized that she had fallen asleep. She had not slept in days. She looked up at Eve and smiled.

"I'm fine." She said.

Alex then started getting ready for her day.


"Alex Pierce, please report to the Center *** in the basement."  A booming voice said.

Alex stood up from her desk and started walking toward the door. When she got to it, the door slammed open, knocking her back. She stumbled back and crashed into her desk.

"Hey, Alex!" A young, energetic voice said coming from the door.

"Damn it, Hazel!" Alex said, struggling to stand up.

Hazel Carter, a young executive for the Organization. Hazel worked directly under the boss of the Organization. She was the boss's assistant. Hazel had light blue, bobbed hairs with long bangs that covered her face. She wore a small navy blue suit and had long black pants on. Her sleeves were pulled up to her elbows and had black gloves on. Her left pant leg was pulled up to her knee and her left pant leg was pulled up just a little past the ankle. She was wearing ankle-high black socks with navy blue shoes. Hazel had colorful bandages all over her legs.

"Did you hear the new announcement system that me and the boss installed?" Hazel asked Alex, very excited.

"Yea, I did. If you heard it then you would know that I need to get down there." Alex said, trying to push Hazel up of the way so that she could get to the door.

"I know," Hazel said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "But you like it right!"

"Yes." Alex signed.

Alex pushed her way past Hazel and walked into the hallway. She walked down the long hallway and the long, spiral staircase. She kept going down until she got to the basement. When Alex got down to the basement, an agent greeted her. The agent was Mochi Pierce, Alex's twin brother. Mochi led her down another long hallway until they got to a small room. Mochi opened the door for Alex as she walked in. Once she was in the room, the door closed.

The room was dark and cramped. There was a giant mirror on the wall that was two-sided. In the middle of the room, a young man was sitting in a chair. The man's arms were tied to the chair and his mouth and eyes had a big cloth over them. Alex walked over to the young man and pulled the cloth covering his face off. It was Park.

"Oh look! It's little Peter!" Alex yelled out after seeing Park.

"My name is Park!" He yelled out at Alex.

"I really don't care," Alex said as she pulled up a chair next to Where Park was sitting. "I'm going to call you Car Key"

"What the hell!" Park yelled. "Why Car Key?"

"Because why not~," Alex said, partially singing.

Park frowned at Alex. There was a small tap on the window in the room. The window looked out directly into the dark hallway that Alex had to go down before. Mochi was tapping on it, illuminating it with his ability. Alex looked at him and he mouthed a few things to her so that Park could not see. Alex looked back at Park and had a big grin on her face. She laughed.

"This is going to be fun, Car Key!"


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