When everybody else woke up, we decided almost immediately to search around the MossLost Temple. We were completely trapped, all we saw were weird random things drawn in the rocks. Muffet claimed he didn't draw them, so we had literally no way to find out what the hell they meant. I just started humming while searching as everybody else started to argue.
I suddenly heard a pretty quiet noise, it sounded like a teleporter. I was just starting to get angry because I thought it was Henry, I mean who else would have a teleporter? I searched and... it was Gadget Gabe. He was just laughing like a actual maniac, and then he noticed me. It didn't stop anything though, he just teleported me away. I told the rest of the group about Gabe and most of them didn't give a shit.
We kept searching for 30 minutes, but I swore Gabe was following and watching us. What the fuck was he doing? I saw his white ass lab coat multiple times, I know that was him. The only other person who wears a coat is Kara, but she wears a red coat. Plus SHE'S DEAD. Everytime I search where I saw him, he's gone though.
The search stopped when we heard screaming. Gadget Gabe was using one of his ink monsters to scare May. I yelled to May to stay still and stay calm. May didn't listen however, and kept shaking. Right Hand Man was about to attack the ink monster, but luckily the rest of us stopped him. The ink monster inched closer to us, probably due the ruckus we were causing. I told everybody to stand still and everybody else listened, expect for May Baggins... still.
I stared at the ink creature, and slowly took out my gun. I shot it directly at the head, almost instantly killing it. Gabe stared at me in anger, but he seemed to try his best at staying calm. I heard him angrily sigh and just state that he isn't done yet. I rolled my eyes and laughed, what a sore loser. Robert made sure May was okay then helped her up. Ana started swearing up a storm at Gadget Gabe.
Gadget Gabe got so angry he teleported away, told you he's a loser! I felt the floor shake suddenly. The temple started to... fall apart! We couldn't leave though, so we all knew we were doomed. We decided to stick together, waiting for death. Muffet then stated the MossLost Temple could never fall apart, which I don't believe the slightest bit. You're telling me a real building can't fall apart at all? Bullshit, complete bullshit, even the Everwoods Mall is falling apart!
We all knew we were going to die, this is going to be the end... until suddenly Charlie stated a idea that might actually work. If the MossLost Temple is actually falling apart, there might be a opening from the ceiling! That might actually work... expect I don't like Charles at all, but I would rather stay with him then die with him. We started all planning quickly about how to escape, expect for May who was screaming and crying. Hopefully this isn't the end.

FanfictionLetterTale is a Henry Stickmin AU mixed with Undertale, a little bit of DDLC, and many, MANY OCs Lexi is tired of all the resets Henry has been doing, but almost nobody remembers them. Henry frames Lexi for things she never did, and now people are s...