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Clay swung the gate open, glancing back at the house warily. It was dark, he couldn't sleep. He needed some fresh air, to stretch his legs, to think. There was so much he needed, there were so many things bothering him, like the silence coming from Justin, who had suddenly stopped texting him. 

What if Justin died already? 

It was barely two hours into the day, Clay was already worried and paranoid. He shouldn't really care about Justin, he should worry about what might be lurking in the shadows that could kill him. Perhaps going out for a walk in the dark was a foolish idea. Well, he was going to die one way or another. 

He looked down at the messages between him and Justin. 

It was weird. Clay thought Justin would be mean, cursing the hell out of him for what happened to Jessica or how Clay had been determined for justice. But no, Justin seemed rather calm, rather fine with him. It didn't sit right with Clay, but what could he say, he could only presume. 

Clay stopped to bring up the messages again. He had to check if Justin was there, if he was going to respond. Clay sort of hoped Justin wasn't dead. Clay didn't understand why he felt dread towards assuming Justin's death, they didn't like each other. It left him wondering what was going through his own mind. Perhaps it was just normal or just a turn of events? Someone possibly dying was never something satisfactory. 

Hey, are you there?

Clay typed. 

Nothing. No answer, it wasn't even read. 



Are you still alive?

Don't tell me you're dead already. 

Clay stared at the messages he sent. He was praying Justin left a sign he was alive, despite the weird sense of being worried about the boy who used to taunt him through the first two years of high school.  

The tension disappeared, and Clay was suddenly relieved by the sudden phrase that appeared underneath his short list of messages. 


That was enough for Clay to know that perhaps Justin was alive. Tapping back onto the keyboard, he began to type, hoping maybe Justin would respond now or eventually. Clay didn't want to waste too much time.

Can I ask you something? 

Clay asked him. It was sudden, yet Clay knew he had nothing really else to do with his day, and knowing that Justin was available, maybe he could spend the day with him? It sounded almost funny to Clay for a moment. Him? Spending the day with Justin Foley? It sounded like some joke.  


Justin had replied.

Would you like to hang out? 

Like, come to Evergreen?  

Clay watched as the message was tagged as seen, although Justin's typing had quickly disappeared. He had expected it to appear again, maybe Justin was just hesitating? Walking down the dark street, Clay watched as his message remained unreplied to. 


Clay messaged again, a frown. What was Justin up to now?

When It's Cold I'd Like To DieWhere stories live. Discover now