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I was once again riding the wind with a dragon. Only this time, with more company while being trapped inside a human-bird cage.

How did it happen?

Answer: Hooded person did some bippity-boppity shit with a staff and we started flying on a feral dragon. (I still didn't know how they looked like, I wouldn't be surprised if they had no head at all)

What will happen next?

Answer: I have no clue.

Currently, the sun was rising up and slowly lighting up the night, barren land beneath us turned into cities, and the twins wouldn't shut up. By twins I mean, Jasmine and Leo. No one would miss Jasmine and Leo's similarities if they weren't in shock- from the small bump on their nose to their peach hair.

Updates on myself: other than me feeling filthy, sweaty, and hungry, everything was just great. All I looked forward to was getting released from this mini prison, if I was even going to.

If I used my mental clock, I'm betting it has been approximately 2 hours flying.

"Do you have food?" Leo asked, his once prideful voice now reduced to nothing but broken ego.

"You can survive," Jasmine responded.

"Can you guys shut up, we've been on this for two hours," This was the second time I heard hooded person, their voice sticking out as feminine.


I was correct.

In the middle of my mind zoning out, my cage shook and so did I. I looked around.


It was land, and we landed in the middle of a street. In front of us stood a large house, the color standing out in pale yellow and blue.

I flinched at a sudden smash on my cage, Jasmine looked at me dead in the eye and her face turned sour.


Is what she might have told me if she said anything at all.


This was the first time I actually saw the hooded girl's face. Her skin was dark while her eyes matched with her hair, green. Green seemed like her color though, her cloak was green, dark to be more specific.

Then she opened up my cage, more like making it go away. My body fell down a few inches on the bathroom tile while I winced, my eyes still on her. For what seemed like in forever, she gave me a smile, a genuine one from all the people I bumped into so far.

"Just wash up, your clothes are on the counter. I trust you enough not to escape from this at least,"

I stared at her fiddle with her fingers.

"I'll be outside if you need me," Then she turned around towards the brown door before I could muster up words, leaving me in the square room with marble tiles all white and silver.

I let out a breath, looking around to find a mirror in front of me with a towel and clothes right beside the sink counter. The bathroom had everything, everything but windows.

And then it struck me on what the girl said - "not to escape"

Why am I being held hostage in the first place?

"Ahem?" I heard a familiar voice from above.

My neck moved towards the ceiling, looking at the smile of someone I dreaded to not see again.

"Miss Dosalo!" 

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