Mag-Lev to the Capitol

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The hovercraft ride was short. We only flew to the next town over. Unlike my town, it was on the surface. After getting out of the hovercraft, we hurried to a station in the town. With each step, dust flys up, making me want to cough. Once inside the limits of town, I see the hovercraft fly over, it's lights blinking in the night sky. I watch as it leaves, the blinking lights growing smaller and smaller as the distance increase.
"Miss Burks." I turn to look at Sebastian who is looking over his shoulder at me. "Please stay close, we need to hurry to make the ride to the capitol." Before I begin following him, he turns around and begins walking with a brisk movement of his arms and legs. I glance towards the skies once again, but the helicopter is gone. I turn away and quickly jog to catch back up.
     "Why didn't we ride the hovercraft the whole time?" I keep my voice low in regards to the sleeping town around me.
     "It is too far. The rest of the ride will be on a magnetic-levitation transportation system." He says and I tilt my head as I follow close behind him.
     "Magnetic-levitation?" I ask and he peers over his shoulder.
"That's right." He says as he slows his pace and we now walk side-by-side. "I forget you are from one of the outer districts. A magnetic-levitation transportation is another advancement we made to something they had before the war. I believe they were called trains." He mutters as he shrugs and begins his quick pace again. "The other two ladies also had to get a flight out of your town."
     "So, everyone didn't get to ride a hovercraft?" I ask as I try my best to catch up.
     "No, you are the only town that was successfully able to build within a crater. No one wanted to build tunnels in fear that they would collapse on the town, so rather they use the hovercraft to get you out and take you to the nearest station. Since all areas have a station, we have just brought you to the closest." His arms sweep over the empty streets as he continues to walk.
"Oh." Is all I say as I look over the town. Lights illuminate the ground, they too have bits of colorful paper and flowers littering the ground. "Does everyone get a parade?"
"Well of course!" He exclaims, casting a big smile over his shoulder before walking.
"Where's mine?" To that he didn't speak. His quick pace seems to falter as his head cocks to the side. He stays quiet for a bit, and I can almost see the gears turning in his head. Wondering, 'how will I get out of this one?' . Though I know why I would never get one, it is still hurtful to see that it is true.
"Here we are!" He exclaims as he opens a door, motioning for me to go through first. Obeying, I step inside to a small, yet long building with lots and lots of windows. "Stay here." He swiftly moves to a small counter in the corner as he pulls out a black box.
As he speaks into the box, I look around to small buildings. Inside it is very empty looking, with benches lining the back wall and that simple counter that Sebastian stands. I walk over and look out the windows. There, a huge metal contraption with bright lights underneath, and it seems to be hovering on the ground like all the other ones. A magnetic train. I find myself unable to hide my amazement from seeing another advanced form of technology. I push my body closer into the window to peer at the bluish white lights. My face is so close to the window that my breath fogs the window. Behind me, I hear a slight chuckle.
     "Miss. Burks, shall I assume that you are excited to ride?" Sebastian says as he walks up and stands behind me. I pull my head back to peer at his reflection and then I give a brief nod. "Wonderful, let's hurry and board up. We have a long ways to travel tonight." He opens the door and we walk through. We walk a few carts down, and stop at one that has a big burley man standing outside it. Sebastian flashes something to him and the man steps away nodding us on.
     Inside, there is a large bar filled with trays of flaky looking bread, and weird cups filled with a think liquid. I look at it, offering a quick sniff. Smells sweet. Sebastian walks with me, pointing around the cart explaining different things, and the next two carts until we come to one with a two beds stacked on top of each other.
     "I recommend getting some sleep." He says as he pull out his box. "We will not arrive until morning." With that, he gives me a brief smile and leaves the room. I plop down onto a bed and peer out the window. The platform of the transportation is finally starting to move as the conductors went forward. As I stare out at the night, I finally have time to let everything settle. I'm really leaving... I've really left... I'm on a train, off to the capitol for who knows how long? The thought makes me queasy as I pull my gaze from the window and lay on the bed. Though I've craved this silence to be in my thoughts for the past several days, I think I'd rather have Sebastian talking my ear off right now that be alone with these horrid ideas. My body shudders as I turn onto my side, and try my best to push the thoughts away and go to sleep.

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