Who is she? Why is she on our side? She is human this don't make any sense, she looks so lost, like she lost someone. She looks like she needs someone to talk to. But of course we are not aloud to interact with humans. That never stopped me before they never really found out what I was anyway. I better tell Parker so he knows that there is a human on our side. Parker. What up Nate? I saw a human you wanna see if she is a threat? Are you pulling my leg? No Parker come on I'll show you what she looks like. Okay but you better not be lying to me Nate. Okay I promise. Good now let's go. When we arrived she was still there but looking around. Nate is that the person you saw? Yes it is Parker. Well she is nearly 18 or 19. Why does she look so dead inside? I don't know but someone was chasing her calling her name Izzy I think, but she just kept running like no care in the world. That's when we heard someone say; Izzy? Get back here were not going in there to come get you. What now? I want to be left alone, Izzy do you even know what territory your on? Yes and I don't care, what are they going to do when vampires don't even existed. Izzy come on we don't have all day we got to go back to the funeral. Go without me Austin, you to Lucas, I will be there when I am calm enough to go there. Izzy come o-oh shut up both of you, I am not going back there I will when I am ready but in the meantime, I want to stop thinking. But, no buts now go tell mom that I will be home by tomorrow and don't come looking for me. Fine! But quit shutting us out. You can go now Lucas, bye Austin. Alright but come home when you're done with whatever it is, but maybe you shouldn't be in their territory. Oh please Austin, there is no such thing as vampires. If that was the case then dad would be alive and healed and he's not, so I don't want to hear it. Okay.

Dawn of Twilight
RomanceEver since Izzy's dad died she and her siblings have changed along with there mother. Warning:There is some blood in this book as well as murder so if you are uncomfortable with any of these things please don't read this book there are some swearing...