Y/n - 5 yrs old
"Awe we twere yet?" Y/n looked outside the window with Yeji's help to stand up
"Not yet Y/n-ie but almost" Lia continued to scroll though her phone
"baby,have a little nap first or you will get tired later" Yeji begged
Y/n slowly sat down and placed her head on Yeji's lap
"Iwm cowd eomma (I'm cold)" Y/n rubbed her little hands
"I got your jacket" Yeji covered Y/n with her jacket
Yeji continued to pat Y/n on her back until she slept
"Lia unnie could I borrow your charger? Mines on 13%" Chaeryeong asked Lia
"oh sure here" Lia grabbed her charger and gave it to Chaeryeong
After an hour or so they made it
"We are here!" Ryujin parked the car
"Y/n-ah wake up now!" Yeji shook up Y/n
"Gwummy bwears...?" Y/n was literally still in her dreams
"No silly we are here" Yuna slowly got off the car
"Where do we even put the tent-" As Yeji grabbed Y/n down the car
"Gween gwass" Y/n knelt down the touched the grass
"No no no the grass is dirty Y/n-ie" Yuna quickly carried Y/n
"Let's just place the tent here" Ryujin tried to measure
"Where's Y/n's chair?" Y/n starred at Lia
"In thwe cwar eomma" Y/n pointed to the car
"Oh great thanks" Lia unfolded the chair and placed Y/n on the chair
"Sit here baby and don't leave just watch us" Lia went to help the others
"I'm dying from this tent already...RYUJIN HELP HERE!" Yeji yelled out loud
"COMING!!" Ryujin walked to Yeji
Time skip to 6 pm
"Finally..." Chaeryeong sat on the chair
"I shouldn't accept what Yuna asked us to go camping" Ryujin groaned
"But it's funnn~" Yuna whined
"Rwujin eomma hewre's ywor wawer" Y/n handed a water bottle to Ryujin
"Thank you baby" Ryujin pinched her daughter's cheek
"Oh yeah Yuna" Yeji looked at her
"Hm?" Yuna looked back at Yeji
"How long is your summer holiday? Pd-nim is asking me" Yeji looked at her phone
"I think about 43 days" Yuna looked at her phone
"Oh okay thanks" Yeji quickly typed on the phone
As Yuna and Yeji were chatting Lia decided to eat a marshmallow
but as she was just grabbing the bag she got caught
"Choi Jisu don't you dare and try eatting one" Yeji continued to type on the phone
Lia sighed
Y/n ran to Chaeryeong who was zooming out
But as right as Y/n was about to talk a thing caught her eye
"Eomma! There is a butterfly!" Y/n kept on running and screaming
As all they know Y/n doesn't really like butterflies it scares her
(A/n: No offense but I'm scared of butterflies)
"Baby it's okay" Chaeryeong patted Y/n on her
Y/n kept on crying as the butterfly kept on flying to her
"It's gone already Y/n-ie" Yuna
"come on baby don't cry" Yeji knelt down and wiped Y/n's tears
"I..it scwears m..mwe" Y/n's eyes became a little swollen of the crying
"Can..we ewat the mwashmewllow?" Y/n sat on Chaeryeong's lap
"Sure" Yeji setted the fire with Ryujin's help
"Here" Chaeryeong grabbed the skewer with the marshmallow on
"Oh shit!" Ryujin blowed on the marshmallow
Everyone laughed at Ryujin but Chaeryeong didn't pay attention to the marshmallow and yes it was on fire
"Chaeryeong look at your marshmallow" Ryujin was laughing hardly
"Excuse me?" Chaeryeong kept on blowing
Y/n was about to touch the burning marshmallow but Chaeryeong stopped her
"No baby its burning hot"
She putted the unburned parts of marshmallow into a bowl for Y/n
"Here baby" Chaeryeong gave a spoon to Y/n
"Twank you eomma" Y/n placed the bowl on her lap and got a spoonful of melted marshmallow
Y/n bit little by little since it's still hot
Time skip 9:40
"Y/n-ie who are you sleeping with?" Lia knelt down
"I want two swleep with Yeji awnd Ryujin eomma!" Y/n giggled
"Okay I'll bring you there" Lia carried Y/n to the lovebirds tent
"Hey love birds Y/n desided to sleep with you two,Night!" Lia slowly placed down Y/n
"Oh okay good night Lia-ssi" Yeji bid a goodnight to Lia
"Night Lia unnie!" Ryujin laid down
"Well Yeddeong I guess we can't have-" Yeji shutted Ryujin's mouth
"There's a kid here Ryu" Yeji rolled her eyes
"gwood niwght Yeji and Ryujin eomma" Y/n tucked herself
"Kiss me before you sleep baby" Yeji went closer to Y/n
"Mwa I wove you eomma" Y/n kissed Yeji on the cheek
"How about me?" Ryujin crossed her arms
Y/n also kissed Ryujin on the cheek
"I wove you too eomma" Y/n smiled
"Oh Ryuddaeng stop being jealous" Yeji gently hitted Ryujin
"Night babies!" Yeji turned off the light