maybe its nothing?

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Gaeges pov

I woke up still wrapped in y/ns f/b (favorite band) hoodie, a blush spread across my face, why? It's just a hoodie...that smells exactly like him.

A smile washed over my face as I buried my face in the hoodie sleeves taking a deep breath, I couldn't help but chuckle, he makes me so happy for some reason.

As I dragged myself out of bed I contemplated taking off the hoodie, I stood there in the mirror for a moment, admiring my outfit with his hoodie.

I sighed happily and walked down stairs, not taking it off and saw kevin making breakfast.

"Mornin' kev" I said grogily rubbing my eyes with the sleeve

"Good morning gaege, you have a visitor by the way" he said turning around slightly

I hummed in confusion before turning to the couch, and saw y/n chillin on the couch, he waved to me with that gorgeous smile.

I felt my face heat up and waved back to him, realizing I was in his hoodie my face felt hotter.

"Nice hoodie where'd you get it" he asked winking at me

"Oh you know just some hot guy" I said with a cocky smile







My face felt hotter than floridas room temperature, y/n laughed and patted the spot next to him, I rolled my eyes and sat next to him, he put his arm around me.

My heart was beating a minute a mile, I'm sure he could tell, why was I so...nervous around him all of a sudden? Feelings can't just randomly show up right? Also I'm not gay!

"How did you sleep?" Y/n asked

"Uh actually a lot better" I said looking down

"Did the hoodie help" he smirked

"Maybe a little" I said dramatically throwing my arm around him

"Then you can keep it" he said dramatically hugging me

We both laughed and kevin shouted that he made food and that we're not going to get any because we didn't help, y/n eventually had to get to work he just wanted to stop by to say hi

"You'll come back right?" I asked

"Why, you gonna miss me?" He asked

My face felt hot again and my stomach felt twisted, my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, y/n noticed my flustered look and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Of course I'm coming back, you can't rid of me that easily, juice box" he said

Wow juice box, I haven't been called juice box in a long while, I smiled and closed the door, feeling a little bad I didn't say anything.

I turned around and kevin was standing there eating toast

"WHOA- dude you scared the shit outta me- what are you doing" I asked

"You have a major crush on him" kevin said taking a bite from his burnt toast

"Wh-what?" I asked confused

"It's obvious dude, just tell him, he can totally tell anyways." He said spitting out his chewed burnt toast

"Ew- I know- but he doesn't like me like that!" I said Grabbing a piece of chewed bread

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"He's literally gay" kevin said swatting my hand from the bread

"Ow- wait really?" I said


" I didn't know that" I said a smile creeping across my face

"Are you gay?" Kevin asked


I looked up thinking about that question when kevin interrupted my thoughts

"You're hella gay" he finished eating his bread and walked away to his room

My mind raced for a while, standing there in that door way when the boys called me, they wanted me to get on a vr game with them, I joined thinking it would take my mind off of it.

It did not, I was distracted the entire time, I apologized to the boys for being distant this session, narrator messaged me asking what was up, I was afraid to tell him but it's narrator, he wouldn't judge right?

Juicyfruitsnacks : I think I'm in love with y/n

Your narrator : wait what

Juicyfruitsnacks : yeah I just feel so nervous around him

Your narrator : then tell him, he is gay.

Juicyfruitsnacks : but what if he doesn't like me besides he's at work.

Your narrator : why don't I tell him then? Would that be helpful.

Juicyfruitsnacks : please don't

Your narrator : then I won't, but if he's leaving you this distracted and anxious maybe something should be done about this.

Juicyfruitsnacks : we'll see maybe it's nothing.

Your narrator : doubtful, gaege.

I closed my phone and sighed, looking at my window I saw the afternoon sun fading into an orange pool, the pinks and blue blending like shaken paint, I still had his hoodie on.

I could still smell him, my heart skipped a beat, my headphones played english rose by Ed Sheeran.

I grabbed my guitar and my camera, I paused my music and started to play the same melody the song was

"I told my dad, on the phone it's amazing, from the straight to the crazys, the places I've seen. But I'd long to be in the arms of my true love, like he loves my mother he understands me"

I stopped playing and shut off my camera, I knew those weren't the words but they felt fitting, I posted it to Instagram slightly afraid.

A few hours passed and y/n returned, he knocked on my door and announced his arrival.

"Heyyyyy gaege! I'm back from work did you miss me?" I asked leaning on my door

I opened my door suddenly making him stumble

"Only a little" I laughed

Y/ns pov

His smile, I loved when he smiled, I hated seeing him sad he didn't deserve it, I loved his figure, his personality and voice.

The way he acted and how he treated everyone, god I just wanted to kiss him, he was definitely straight I mean he had a girlfriend for gods sake, he's just flirty with everyone like a weirdo

I chuckled to myself and patted his head

"You need a shower" I said

"You need one too!" Gaege playfully yelled at me

"Then take one together" kevin shouted

Gaege blushed visibly and looked at me, I smirked and took off my jacket and gaeges eyes widened.

I laughed and told him there was no need to shower together, for some reason he looked a little disappointed

"Unless you wanted to" I added

His eyes slightly lit up with hope, nervousness, and fear.

I leaned in closer to him my nose an inch from his, the smirked rested on my face, gaege was blushing like crazy but he smirked back, he kissed me quickly like he did with the boys.

I smirked back at him and grabbed his waist, pulling him closer, a small gasp pushed through his lips, kevin walked upstairs, saw what was happening and walked down stairs.

"Maybe I'll take kevins offer, you?" I asked

Gaege smiled and nodded, I smiled back at him and picked him up walking into the bathroom with him.

This is a skip you ain't gettin no description

As we stepped from the shower towels wrapped around our waists gaege was just staring at my torso blushing heavily, I ruffled his wet hair and wiped down the mirror.

Gaege was confused when I brought In a chair and his clothes, I told him to get dressed, as he did I gathered a hair dryer and put sweatpants on.

As he sat in the chair I started to dry his long hair, he actually let me style it, as gaege was distracted by my touch I gently kissed his temple, a shiver gently touched his spine in pleasure.

He looked up at me and I smiled at him softly

"I like you gaege" I said putting a gentle hand on his shoulder

His eyes lit up and he blushed

"I- I like you too" he smiled widly before getting up and hugging me

I hugging him back and gently swayed with him.

(I360 words I honestly had no clue where I was taking this so forgive me, barnes)

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