Chapter 64

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Here is what originally was part of chapter 63.

Also: Who is currently your main in Genshin? As for me, it's Scara.

All air is knocked out of your lungs, making you desperately gasp for air

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All air is knocked out of your lungs, making you desperately gasp for air. Your body feels paralysed. Since your vision is blurry, your sense of touch blocked out - due to the shock - and the things you‘re able to taste irrelevant, the smell and the noise around you are the only information that reach your brain at the moment. For one: In contrast to the rest of Enkanomiya, it smells oddly burnt – as if someone had turned on a grill down here. Secondly: You can hear footsteps somewhere in this area.

Trying to turn your head towards what you assume is a human, you feel that your position changes altogether. Just as if you slid down something. “…?”

The footsteps from before continue their walk – this time towards you. Despite your still rather blurry vision you can see that something dark is hovering over you. Shortly after, you are being lifted up by your collar. “And who do we have here?”

Only a quiet whimper leaves your throat. How pathetic you probably look right now…

“Not doing all too well, I suppose?”

Gradually your vision gets better again. As long as you didn’t suffer any serious brain damage and are imagining things, that stranger has to be an Abyss Herald.

Somewhere behind you you hear another person landing on the ground with great force. “(Y/N), are y-“ It’s Dainsleif who stopps himself from from talking any further.

Not releasing you from their death grip, the herald swings you to the side. “So (Y/N) is their name... How pitiful. Or maybe hypocritical? Well, it doesn’t matter. Staying here any longer would only risk my life.” He harshly throws your body in Dain’s direction. “You can have them back. Even if they knocked out a vishap for me, I doubt our Princess would have any use for them. So…”, a portal opens right behind him, “Goodbye.”

Right before the portal can disappear along with the Abyss Herald, you feel your body being picked up again and quickly dragged forward.

To say that hopping through a portal is unpleasant would be an understatement. After having had an infected wound, nearly being teared into shreds and falling god knows how many meters onto a vishap, your body didn’t want to take any more shít – so you simply rejoin the lands of dreams.

A long sigh escapes your lips.

“What’s wrong (Y/N)? Do you feel unwell?” Carefully, Ayaka touches your forehead.

“No, that’s not it… Ah, forget it.” You turn away from her. 'It is just that I would kinda feel like an ásshole if I told you how I view this situation. I mean, the Kamisatos are trying their best but maybe they should try a little bit less…'

“…Alright then. But in any case: If something starts bothering you, you can always tell me. We are good friends after all, right?”


Since the room falls into uncomfortable silence Ayaka speaks up again. “Don’t you think it would be nice if we could live together? And I don’t mean just temporarily like now, but like a couple or family would. I am sure that brother wouldn’t mind having you around either. We could spend so much time together and see so many more full moons. Ah, but I don’t want to force you into anything, of course.” The girl says it like that but from the look in her eyes you can tell that she wouldn’t be able to handle a rejection.

“I will… think about it.” You pet Rosa who is sitting on your lap.

Ayaka nods happily and stand up. “Mhm, do that. In the meantime I will get us some sweet pastries. I'll be right back.” Having said that, she leaves the room.

In silence you stare at the identical teacups in front of you for a little too long. '…All of them do the same, right? If I drink even just one sip of this I will be knocked out. So what if…' You take both teacups and swap their positions. '…I hope this isn’t something Ayato thought of yet. Please ásshole gods up there – let me have this win. I don’t want to be stuck in here for the rest of my fricking life.'

Two minutes later Ayaka is back with a tray of baked goods. They smell delicious.

“Here, Thoma made them. He said that this is a recipe his mother taught him back then when he was living in Mondstadt.”

Hesitantly you take one of the mini cakes but don’t eat it yet. Instead you wait for the girl to take a bite out of hers.

Taste-wise everything you have consumed while being at the Kamisato’s place was superb. Thoma really is male-wife material. That doesn’t change the fact that Thoma and his masters are overprotective though.

Therefore you have to hope that only the consumables on Ayaka’s side are drugged. It certainly would be awkward if both of you dropped unconscious…

Minutes pass. The uncertainity is killing you.

Seeing Ayaka struggling more and more with keeping an upright posture while you feel perfectly fine, you feel a wave of relief flooding your body.

The only stinging part is the way Ayaka looks at you once she realized what is going on. You can see a mix of desperation and betrayal in her eyes. “Please… don’t… leave m-“, she can’t finish her sentence as her body lost the battle to the sleeping medicine.

 “Please… don’t… leave m-“, she can’t finish her sentence as her body lost the battle to the sleeping medicine

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(Y/N) will get their break don’t worry-

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

Schwärmerei - Yandere Genshin Impact x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now