Chapter 14

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Liane, Iris, and Wally walk into a club and walk up to the team and Iris says, "Yo, guys, what's up?" Barry smiles and says, "Hey

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Liane, Iris, and Wally walk into a club and walk up to the team and Iris says, "Yo, guys, what's up?" Barry smiles and says, "Hey." Barry hugs Liane and says, "Glad you could make it." Barry side hugs Iris and then looks at Wally and says, "What's up, Wally?" Wally says, "Hey, interesting choice of venue. The tic-tac-toe theme is cool." Barry says, "Cisco picked it." Cisco says, "Barry picked it?" Cisco says, "For real?" Barry says, "Yeah, I picked it. I don't go out much. It had four stars on Yelp, so..." Wally says, "Okay, fair enough." Jesse looks at Wally and says, "So, who's this?" Barry says, "This is Wally. He's my... foster, or step-adopted... My new-- this is-- he's my new friend. This is Jesse." Jesse's watch beeps and she smiles and says, "Oh, hi." Wally smiles and says, "Hey. So, Jesse, are you new in town?" Jesse says, "Uh, yeah, you could say that." Wally says, "Yeah, me too. Are you from far away?" Jesse says, "Like you wouldn't believe." Jesse's watch beeps again and she says, "Oh, you know what? Would you just excuse me? I just need to go powder my... watch." Jesse walks away and Wally goes to the bar. Liane, Barry, and Iris stand at a table and Barry looks at Iris and says, "So, how's Wally doing?" Iris says, "Yeah, he's good; he's just diving into his schoolwork." Barry says, "Good." Iris says, "Yeah." Barry says, "I'm glad." They watch Cisco dance funny, and Liane laughs and says, "Oh, God." Barry laughs and Iris says, "Promise me if you two ever do get married, you will not do that dance at y'alls wedding." Barry says, "Oh, I can promise you that. I mean, not the wedding, the dancing." Iris sees Barry looking at Liane adoringly and she says, "I'm gonna go get something to drink." Iris leaves to give the couple space to talk. Liane notices Barry staring at her, and she smiles and says, "What?" Barry says, "I just can't believe are doppelgängers are married." Liane says, "And are having twins. What do you think our married Earth-2 doppelgängers are doing tonight?" Barry says, "Probably Earth-2's equivalent to 'Netflix and chill.'" They laugh and Barry says, "Sounds nice. I mean, for them." Then they hear a whooshing sound and see a flash of yellow lightning and Liane feels her bracelet gone and Liane says, "My bracelet's gone." Caitlin walks over to them and says, "Someone took my purse." Barry then speeds away.

" Barry then speeds away

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