35 | kakashis wise words and inner turmoil!

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"You see... When wind hits fire, it makes the fire stronger."

You were standing right besides your Senseis eternal rivals bed, it was weird for him to call you in—but seeing as he was injured, you decided to go for a visit. And well, you were curious as to why he of all people wanted to see you. "Um... I don't get it... Why are you telling me this?"

Kakashi smiled, looking up from his book. "Well, I was thinking of ways to train my students... Quickly and efficiently, and the thought of you came to mind. Asuma and Neji too... See, I'm under the belief that Naruto has the nature of wind."

You blinked, giving him a blank stare. "Sorry, I still don't get it. What do the three of us have in common...?"

"Wind nature." Kakashi answered simply, lowering his book completely. "Of course, Asuma and Neji are considerably better at wind nature... But there's one thing that sets you apart from the rest." He put a finger up for emphasis, but it looked like he was waiting for you to respond so he could continue.

"What's that?" You asked, practically dying for him to continue.

"You're a master at fire Jutsus. See, fire is superior to wind natures in the way that wind supports fire... And fire can also repel wind." He said it factually, as if it were something new to you, but...

"I already know all of this... Guy Sensei told me." You rubbed the back of your neck. "Sorry, Kakashi Sir. Can you just get to the point?"

Kakashis shoulders sagged with a disheartened sigh. I shouldn't have expected one of Guys students to respect me that much... But atleast a little bit a respect to due. I'm still a superior... "Well... When thinking of training regiments for my team, I found something that might suit you as well..."

"Since you have not only one beast in you, but two now, you have two hundred times in the normal chakra reserves than anyone else." Your eyes widened, there was no information on that in any book you'd read before. And how would someone like Kakashi know that when you didn't?

"Two hundred..?! I'm not saying your word is unreliable, Mister Kakashi Sir, but that's totally ridiculous." You excused with the wave of your hand.

That's ridiculous? With Guy as her Sensei, you'd think she'd be used to 'ridiculous.' He was struggling now, you dismissed everything he said. "Well it's true... Having the fire dragon in you by itself gives you a hundred times more... And now that you have the wind dragon, it's two hundred times more..."

"This is relevant not only in way it can enhance training and Jutsus...But because." He brought up a finger in the air, closing his eyes in a smile. "You said it before... You're a Marvell, aren't you?

You froze, "What? Well I said that, but not to you!" The only one you had told that to... Was Guy.

"Guy doesn't really keep his mouth shut when it comes to boasting about his students... So it's no surprise I eventually picked up on it..." Kakashi shut his eyes, something you recognized to be a smile in him.

"Oh... Heh, yeah, it's not actually not so surprising now that you mention it..." You sweatdropped, scratching your cheek. "Are Marvels special?"

"You could say that..." He answered. "They weren't wiped out like the [Lastname] clan, but there aren't many of them. They're not very known to anyone outside of the Mist, but information has its way of getting around..." He looked at you, face suddenly serious. "That, plus the fact that they're masters of Chakra."

You gave him a blank stare, you were caught off guard by Guys serious expressions since they were uncommon, but Kakashi was a lot more serious than him... Sometimes. "Ummm... Okay... Can you continue talking...?"

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