I stumble into the bathroom, trying not to wake up mom and dad. I know the drill though; hair up, face into the toilet, drink water, brush teeth, and gum so it would be less obvious I wasn't completely hammered. Somehow it was easier to do all that than stay at home with an arguing family. Just after I go though normal procedure, I come out of the bathroom not only to find a mother looking down on me, but a cold hardwood floor I just fell onto. I look onto the ground for a while, preparing myself for what's to come.
"This needs to stop, Isabella. I think you know that. I know I probably shouldn't tell you this because you won't remember, but we're sending you upstate so you can clean up your act before senior year," her words were sad, like they always were nowadays, as she outstretched her hand. I crawled to it like a pathetic animal. I wish I didn't have to remember what she said, but unfortunately I had good memory.
The next couple minutes she helps me upstairs to bed, where I am completely silent. As she tucks me in she gives a quiet, "I love you," but the only thing I choose to say is, "I'm sorry."
I wake up the next morning with my head pounding. I had to go to school, it was a Friday. Robotically, I throw myself into the shower and remove the smell of alcohol that seems to stain my skin. I practice a smiling face as I get ready for the long day. The only good thing about school was being with people who enjoyed my company. After I dry off, I proceed to find some clothes.
"No need to get ready for school, honey. I have to tell you something." Moms voice tries to sound upbeat. "Since you've been having a couple problems lately," she played with her wedding ring, "we thought it would be a good idea to send you to a prep school in Pennsylvania."
The memories wash back of last night. No, no, no. This couldn't be happening. Homecoming was in two weeks and I had my first prom at the end of the year.
"You're kidding me, right?" I look at her with a flat expression.
"Your father and I think it's really for the best for you, Isabella," she inches closer, her eyes worried.
"I have PROBLEMS? It's just ME now? What about me and Lila? We don't get to send YOU away when you and dad are screaming at eachother! Do you just think we IGNORE all of that? If anyone has issues, it's definitely YOU and DAD, not me."
I am filled with anger. How dare she just get to send me away? Who will Lila stay with while mom and dad wake her up in the middle of the night? She wasn't ready to be alone yet!
And then I realized something. What happened when I wasn't there at night? What was Lila thinking when her sister was gone at midnight but she still needed me? I wasn't there for her anyway!
"I know this seems like we're trying to get rid of you, but it's the opposite. We are sending you there so your father and I can try to work things out. We're doing this for your best interest. Lila is going to stay with friends and visit on the weekends. This is only temporary, you know that right?" She looks for a response, but I have none to offer. I'll be gone all year. Who knows what'll happen at school?
But then I think of mom and dad. They were trying! Maybe they'll work things out while I'm in prep town. Maybe if I just follow their plans, everything will be perfect in a couple of months!
"We'll send money every month and the headmistress is dying to meet you. I promise it's not as bad-"
"Okay I'll go."
"-As it seems. Wait what did you just say?" Her eyes grew wide.
"I'll go if you really think it's best." I comb my hair trying not to seem too thrilled. "So when do I leave?"
"Okay don't freak out, but, Monday." She stares at me once again like I'm some time of bomb about to go off.
Really? She gives me four days notice until I'm shipped off to prep town! Sometimes I really question my moms actions. I decide not to get upset, but just keep asking questions to get an idea of what it will be like.
"Please don't tell me there's uniforms." I glance towards my closet.
"They have Freedom Friday's?"
"Of course they had to have stupid uniforms." I mumbled under my breath.
"We have a lot to do today and tomorrow so I'll let you get dressed so we can go get some things knocked off the list." She gave me a quick hug and ran out to go do whatever.
I changed into a shirt and shorts, pairing it with my lucky blue tennis shoes.
I loved my mom to death, but maybe she might be what was going to kill me.

The Reinvention of Isabella
Teen FictionIsabella Carol is a nonstop partier. She can't help but live in the night life while her parents night life consist of screaming at eachother. Until one night after partying, her mother breaks the news that she'll be attending a prep school in Penns...